Tuesday, September 18, 2012

WHY Does the Indira Congress Party, NOT Care For the "Better" Values?

   From 2004,India has become,a Police State with the Indira Congress party, ARROGANTLY following he diktats,[Diesel and other petroleum roducts' price hike,FDI in multi-brand retail],etc of the USA,Bilderbeg,Rothschilds,CFR,Club Of Rome[M M Singh,member],Trilateral Commission[Many Indian Oligarchs members],World Economic Forum[many Indian Oligarchs member], Harvard University[many Indian Politicians,Oligarchs have connections],Aspen institute[many Indians have connections and influenced by this], Bohemian Grove.
      Many "Foundations",like that of Carnegie,has members from the Indian oligarchy[Sunil Bhrati Mittal].Mittal has,reportedly,connections with the Rothschilds.Wal-Mart,etc.Bill Gates' Foundation is very active in India..Bill Gates is repeatedly, a member of the Bilderberg.
      Indian Parliamentary have been undergoing TRAINING in LEADERSHIP,in the Yale University[Home to Skull And Bones,Bush,member.Almost all US Presidents are from this Group!],at least from 2005/6,after M M Singh and Bush signed,reportedly,some "secret" agreements like Strategic Partnership,which may encompass a vast field,including Military.The US Special Forces are in indian soil,as per a Top Military official of the USA,who TESTIFIED to,this in the US House.....BUT THE INDIRA CONGRESS PARTY IS DENYING THIS!!!.
     THIS link contains certain details about  "SKULL AND BONES".....
     An excerpt,from the link aboive,INCLUDes,the PHOTOS:-
"The Order of Skull and Bones
Skull & BonesThe existence of The Order is irrefutable. Also called, Skull and Bones,The Order of DeathThe Brotherhood of Death, and The Order of the Deaths-head. The Order was founded in 1832 by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft. The first graduating class was in 1833. It was formed after Russell returned from a trip to Germany before his senior year. It is said to be an American branch (chapter 322) of a German Masonic/Illuminati group in Bavaria.(*)
Confirmation of its existence and the fact that its members occupy key positions in business and politics have appeared in mainstream media. For instance, during the 2004 presidential candidacy, articles appearing in The Baltimore Sun, CBS News, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution confirmed that both Kerry and Bush were members.
Kerry and Bush also admitted being members on television during a live interview on Meet the Press. There have also been books published on The Order that have received favorable Establishment reviews. Although most of this mainstream coverage was a whitewash, it did reveal a pattern of members occupying the executive branch.
New Member PhotoEach year during commencement week 15 juniors receive a "tap" and are asked "Skull and Bones. Accept or reject?" Most say yes, says Professor Sutton, author of Americas Secret Establishment. After initiation the "patriarchs" spend only one year at Yale, and upon graduation, they reportedly receive $15,000 and a grandfather clock. "The organization," states Professor Sutton "is oriented to the post graduate outside world." Members of The Order are elevated to key positions in government. To the right we see George H. W. Bush standing to the left of the grandfather clock in this 1947 photo consisting of the 15 new members.
     t was legally incorporated as the Russell Trust at Yale University in 1856. It conducts yearly meetings at Deer Island (sic) in New York, which was donated in 1906 by a member of The Order, G. Douglas Miller (1870). The core membership consists of about 20-30 wealthy American families who originally settled on the East Coast in the 17th century. These families include, Whitney, Lord, Phelps, Wadsworth, Allen, Bundy, Adams and others. Its membership also includes families which later acquired wealth, such as Rockefeller, Sloan, Pillsbury, Davison, Harriman, and Payne.
Skull & Bones TombOn the left is the The Order's tomb at Yale University. An article appearing in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on March 6th 2004, entitled Yalies Bush, Kerry Can Keep a Secret, stated, "Bush and Kerry are only the latest Bonesmen to star on the national stage. President George Bush, the incumbent's father, was also a member of Skull and Bones..." The article continued to name other prominent individuals.
Notable members of The Order include:
  • Henry Luce (1920), Time Magazine
  • Henry Lewis Stimson (1888) Secretary of State, Secretary of War to Truman, recommends Atomic bomb be dropped on Japan and worked with General Marshall and FDR to allow Pearl Harbor to occur.(*1)
  • William H. Taft (1878), Supreme Court Justice and President
  • William F. Buckley Jr. (1950), National Review
  • Pierre Jay (1892), first chairman of the Federal Reserve
  • Prescott Sheldon Bush (1917) worked with W. Averill Harriman to fund Nazis and Communists via Union Banking Corporation and Guaranty Trust Company
  • Winston Lord (1959) Lord, Day and Lord, Law Firm
  • William Putnam Bundy (1939) CIA, editor of CFR's Foreign Affairs magazine, Assistant Secretary of State
  • McGeorge Bundy (1940) National Security Advisor, President of the Ford Foundation
  • W. Averill Harriman (1913) Director of Guaranty Trust, Special Assistant to President Truman, funded Nazis and Communists
  • E. Roland Harriman (1917) Brown Brothers, Harriman, director of Union Banking Corporation
An examination of these names reveals cross memberships in the CFR, TC, BB, and the Bohemian Grove. For instance, William F. Buckley Jr. was a member of The Order (1950), the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bohemian Grove.(*2) "Columnist William F. Buckley is on the CFR's membership rolls," wrote Professor Marrs. Buckley ... is a Skull and Bones alumni, [and] has also been honored as a participant in the secretive Bilderbergers Group." In his book, Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy, Mike Hanson wrote of The Order, "You will also notice that many of the names ... show up in Bohemian Club member lists." These two organizations, in turn, are interlocked with the Think Tanks.
George H. W. Bush was a member of The Order (1948), the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and was appointed U.S. Ambassador to the UN. Perloff acknowledged, "George Bush was a Skull and Bonesman, a director of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a member of the Trilateral Commission." He was also the director of the CIA and eventually became President of the United States. In addition to being a member of The Order, Professor Marrs concludes that Prescott Sheldon Bush was a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations. George W. Bush, was initiated into The Order (1968), and eventually became president. Both George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush have attended the Bohemian Grove............
..........Of the initiation ritual, Professor Sutton concludes, "Even with our limited knowledge of the internal ritual of The Order we can make ... definite statements about the links between The Order and satanic beliefs." Within the ceremony, he says, are "aspects notably satanic." He explains, "The first link is through photographic evidence of the association of Skull and Bones with satanic devices, i.e., the skull and crossed bones. The second link is through satanic symbolism."
"In brief," continues Professor Sutton, "the photographs reveal the men portrayed as grave robbers who reject human dignity and decency and use satanic devices." Professor Sutton also notes the activity of "Patriarchs dressed as skeletons" that "howl and screech at new initiates." A History Channeldocumentary entitled, Secret Societies, hosted by Arthur Kent, added that the shortest senior is appointed "little devil," and wears a Satanic costume.
Commenting on the bizarre rituals and beliefs of the Order, Professor Sutton declared, "The reader may consider this juvenile, and it may well be." However, he adds, "On the other hand, these 'juveniles' are the men today running the United States." To that, I would add, the planet. Professor Marrs concurred, writing, "I agree. It is absurd." But, "I can only tell you that this is exactly what goes on."
Another consideration is whether these initiation rituals are significant after graduation. Evidence suggests that the answer is yes. Like the "cremation of care," which will be covered shortly, members of The Order are pledging their allegiance, not to a country or Jesus Christ as they would have you believe. The rituals are enacted for the purpose of worshiping a Satanic entity, and diminishing the conscience of the individuals who partake in them..
.............As elite and influential as members of this society are, they too are manipulated and are under a form of mind-control. They are being directed. Professor Sutton observed, "What happens in the initiation process is essentially a variation of brain-washing ... through heavy peer pressure" they become "prepared for a life of the exercise of power and a continuation of this process into future generations." He adds, "The ritual is designed to mold establishment zombies, to ensure continuation of power in the hands of a small select group from one generation to another.."
             THE PARA ABOVE IS THE REASON,M M SINGH,IS REPEATEDLY TAKING ANTI-INDIA,ANTI-PEOPLE,PRO-MNC AND CRUEL DECISIONS, RESORTING TO BLATANT LIES.......This has been the case from the 1990s,But from the day the so-called,"Indo US Nuclear Deal", was agreed upon between M M Singh and Bush,the former has been resorting blatant and shameless lies.M M SINGH IS VERY STRONGLY SUSPECTED TO BE PLANTED BY THE IMF AND THE WORLD BANK,IN THE  ECHELONS OF INDIA'S CORRIDORS OF POWER.....
   M M Singh,shows favouritism to the Western Cos in general,in prepering reports,Consultancy,Surveys,e-Auctions etc,especially the Rothschilds. 
     Many FDI proposals are pushed through silently,Many Bills are enacted with the others,unaware...Many anti-India Polices are being,considered.Divestment out of profitable Indian PSUs has become routine.the advisor foir this,to the GOI,are the Rothschilds.....
     All these,despite,HEAVY OPPOSITION..
Most of the groups mentioned above,are considered,"ELITIST".....and the elites are reported to practise SATANISM.....
     The Italian Woman,[Il Duce],has been visiting the USA,for the last 3 years,for "medical reasons".Details are secret and there is no report except this news.And this woman has been The Dictator,of India, from 2004.This year,the decision to raise the price of Diesel,reducing subsidy on/for,LPG and Kerosene,FDI in Multi-Brand Retail,etc were announced,[13 and 14/9/2012] as soon as she returned from the USA[10/9/2012].

     THIS link mentions what SATANISM is and what the SATANISTS believe in....
        M M Singh,"runs away",when confronted with questions regarding the SCAMS of the Indira Congress party,which are numerous from 2004.
        THE NEXT ELECTION MAY "ALSO" BE STOLEN IN WHICH CASE,the following will be implemented,and India will be FULLY under the CONTROL of the Foreign Powers mentioned,in the beginning:-
1.NCTC a clone of USA's DHS.
2.Complete DEREGULATION,for all,especially,the Bankers,a ;la the repeal of The Glass-Steagall Act in the USA..  
                  The National Manufacturing Policy has this as its AIM......
3.TPP.This makes Governments answerable to Corporate Honchos
4.Communal Violence Bill
         In this was a particular Minority Community will rule over others,exploiting its association with the Dalits.This is similar to the one in the USA,where a Community from West Asia,dominates others,exploiting its association with African Americans.
5.Food Security Bill and using this US GMO Cos will be ushered in.

To be continued......

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