Sunday, September 30, 2012

Death Of Indians Abroad.....

  Harsha Meddula,18,student North Western university,USA,"died of drowning",in the USA,after being declared "missing" from early morning hours of, 22nd September,2012.The dead body was found floating in a Harbour,"between two boats",on 28/9/2012.22nd September, falls on the Equinox[equal night,that is,day and night are of equal duration].Spring Equinox,falls around March 20th to 23rd.These two dates have connotation with Satan and many deaths take place,and on these others like 31st October,Halloween day,on which Inidra Gandhi was 1984.........
  THE SATANIC CALENDAR may be useful.
  Harsha Meddula's parents point out,as per reports, that he did not know how to swim.There are reports, that he texted that he was retuning to his dorm,but..His relatives want answers to many, reasonable and common-sense questions.

       The following video,found on the same webpage, though not connected may be of interest,,as "skull" seems to point to something for those who care."Skull And Bones"?NorthWestern and Yale Universities?

  This incident prompted me,to check for,"Satanic Murders",Satanism and the Elites" etc.......
   Earlier,there had been regular reports of Indians being beaten up,in Australia,the UK,the USA etc.....
S,M,Krishna in the USA on 28/9/2012
   The others present are:-
An excerpt from the link itself:-
"In addition to the inaugural lecture by Krishna, the institute will feature a number of other observers of contemporary Indian political and cultural society:
  • Kaushik Basu, chief economist of the World Bank, will deliver a series of two talks as part of the inaugural O.P. Jindal Distinguished Lectures, established to promote serious discussion of politics, economics, social and cultural change in modern India. Basu’s lectures will focus on two decades of India’s economic reform.
  • Rana Dasgupta is a British Indian novelist and essayist currently living in Delhi, India. He is the author of two novels,Tokyo Cancelled and Solo.
  • Barkha Dutt, group editor with NDTV, India’s premier news and current affairs network, is one of India’s best known journalists and television anchors. As Brown’s inaugural Meera and Vikram Gandhi fellow, Dutt will be in residence at the University and will work on her book The Unquiet Land: Exploring India’s Fault Lines.
  • Partha Chatterjee, professor of anthropology and of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African studies at Columbia University.
  • Uday S. Mehta, distinguished professor of political science in the Department of Political Science at the City University of New York. He is a renowned political theorist whose work encompasses a wide spectrum of philosophical traditions......."
  •  The above is slated in Brown University."Skull","university",do these point to Yale university,"Skull And Bones"........"BROWN" HAS A DEEP SYMBOLISM AND MEANING.....
   Now on 30/9/2012,this new:-
   SIKH LADY AND HER THREE CHILDREN MURDERED IN BELGIUM.....No connection,with Satanic dates but the violence indicates satanic nature,, hatred and execution style...
   The Husband,Mr Jasbir Singh, suspects his Bangladeshi co-worker who has been missing since the day of the Murder,which is a Friday:-signification from the point of view of a particular Community....
      10 month-Old girl kidnapped and grandmother,61, murders,in Pennsylvania, USA.It is worth noting that Halloween falls on,31/10.This may have satanic connotations.I fear for the young kidnapped girl.......
My fear has turned out to be true.A Telugu,seems to have murdered the toddler.The kidnapping is reported to, be for ransom of $50,000.The murderer  is a neighbour.He has been arrested and he seems to have confessed to the crime.
   The murderer confesses[November 29th ,2012].An excerpt from the link:-

"I have a good mother, good wife and a good job. I don't know how I have committed this crime. It is no doubt a big crime,"

        On 9/3/2011,TOSHA THAKKAR,was raped and murdered by an Australian in Sydney.The date is very near to Vernal Equinox[around 20th March].Is it a satanic killing?
                         Sunil Tripathi of Brown University[ on a year's leave] was a probable Spring Equinox Sacrifice cum revenge against Indians.Typical of such sacrifices,he left his personal identifications,and gadgets like Mobile,Cards etc.He was missing from 16th March and 20th and 21 st March constitute Spring Equinox when Satanic sacrifices are made.His body was identified around 24th,in a rotting condition in a river in Boston.
                        The following photo which conveys meanings to the sensitive,is from THIS link:-

The following photo,from THIS link,ALSO shows that he probably,was a marked man.A sensitive person can draw many conclusions from the above TWO photos.


                          September,seems to be a favourite month for the Satanists.    
                         A few deaths of Indians by way of MURDER,has taken place in the USA.
                         India's Sub,SINDHURAKSHAK,seems to be a victim of SABOTAGE.18 deaths.
                    Westgate Mall attack in Kenya on this day,The Winter Equinox,probably,the act of the SATANIC Illuminati.
Will be updated......

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Inauguration Of The Commonwealth Games, 2010 in Delhi

  Do the Commonwealth games indirectly,point to,"something"?The controversy over who would  declare the Games Open,occurred between India and Britain,seems to suggest that..
  Prince Charles was adamant that, ONLY he would declare the Games open.Finally,The President of India ,Shrimati Pratbha Patil,and he jointly Inaugurated the CWG,2010,Delhi...
  As an aside,but a very important point,M M Singh soon after he became PM of India visited the UK and complimented the British for their being good rulers of India,while paying HIS RESPECTS to the Queen of Britain[England?].BECAUSE THE BRITISH EMPIRE  STILL IS........
  M M Singh has extraordinary respect to the Rothschilds,who are said to be the real rulers of the UK,BoE,even the World with their immense wealth,huge investment in Oil,possession of huge quantities of Gold etc...
To be continued.....

India Now,Under The Firm Grip Of Globalists...

  The Globalists rule India from 2004.M M Singh is a puppet of the IMF .Il Duce seems to be meeting the Bilderberg,secretly from 2001,June,in Switzerland...
  India's wealth is being STOLEN to BANKRUPT her.The many scams under UPA II are examples and a cause for great worry for the nation.Many Bills are being passed,and polices  implemented,with this in view.

 Will be updated.....

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

India A Police State From 2004!

       Under the Indira Congress party,a lackey of the USA,many decisions have been taken by this party as Leader of the Coalition,UPA at the Centre,despite protests from all sections of the Society.Consensus was promised in the "Indo US Nuke Deal' and FDI etc,but was not adhered to.
      The pressure to antagonize Iran,shows the meekness of the Indira Congress party.But relations with Pakistan is artificially enhanced ,by the misuse of Media and False Flags, like the "emergency landing of an Indian Airliner",in that Islamic Nation,for Business and Trade..
       Many Bills which will allow DEREGULATION,a la the repeal of Glass-Steagall Act,will make the Bankers , Industrialists, Indian and Foreign above Law.The following are the most feared:-
1.National Manufacturing Policy
2.New LNG Policy
3.Communal Violence Bill
4.Food Security Bill...ushering US GMO Cos in,by stealth..
5.NCTC ,a clone of USA's DHS
      The pressure of and power over the Indira Congress party by the Globalists is very pronounced.An example is a yearly programme,evry June,at the Yale University,home to the dreaded,"SKULL AND BONES',from 2005...
Will be updated......

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Media Under INDIRA CONGRESS PARTY's Control....

     One fact,which bothers me very much,is that,the UPA's M M Singh has not held "free-flowing' Press meets with no-holds-barred,as he has always been surrounded by suspicious activities and scams.It is noteworthy,that he is NOT ELECTED and very strongly suspected to be PLANTED by the IMF and the World bank to bankrupt India and rule her over.All the policies followed by M M Singh,are diktat of these two.
      The Coal Scam worth,more than india's present GDP,based on the VALUE of Coal,when he was in charge of the Coal Ministry, is the icing on the cake.

       From 2004,under M M Singh and Il Duce,the Italian Woman,India,has been a BANANA REPUBLIC!!
       As per reports.
1. Coca-Cola,a Globalist Elite Co,is in a campaign with NDTV.
2.. JP. Morgan who is reported to have BOUGHT the US Media,and Times Group of India, are in a campaign,..
To be continued.......

Friday, September 21, 2012


The height of cheating!
WIKIPEDIA explains:-

"Customs is an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting and safeguarding customs duties and for controlling the flow of goods including animals, transports, personal effects and hazardous items in and out of a country. "

"Non-subsidised commercial LPG cylinders, however, would continue to attract customs duty of 5% and excise duty at 8%."
Custom Duty for LPG produced in india?What a cheating!!
There are some mal-practise,regarding the so-called 'under-recoveries"[started and cited as THE REASON for "LOSSES",by the OMCs, ONLY in 2005 after M M Singh became PM.Till then the same OMcs were running on profits!!!].the follwoing amount to, cheating Indians:-
1.Following Singapore benchmark based on US Dollars,when the REFINING is done in India.The price should be in INDiAN RUPEES,based on TOTAL REFINING COST.
In addition Singapore benchmark is wrong as majority Indians are poor.The Middle Class has also become poor after the massive stimuli in 2008 and the consequent Inflation.
2.LANDED COST is misused in pricing,as though the petroleum products WERE IMPORTED,whereas they are ACTUALLY PRODUCED in INDIA.
Please google for:-Unethical pricing of petroelum products in India.
"Non-subsidised commercial LPG cylinders, however, would continue to attract customs duty of 5% and excise duty at 8%."

To be continued.....

Floods,Food Rotting.............DEPOPULATION?

    Today there is a report,about,"Assam Flood Situation",worsening!
This has been going on throughput India from the time of Independence.After the floods,HUG amounts are spent as "RELIEF MEASURES"!if the same is spent BEFORE Flood/RAINY, Season,there will be two gains:-
1.Floods will subside
     Since this is a very simple remedy,SURELY something's WRONG!!!!
     Similarly FOOD GRAINS are allowed rot in the Food Corporation Of INDIA.This is for,selling the rotten grains to Alcoholic Beverage Makers at cheap prices......And the more important objective,DEPOPULATION,due to hunger and malnutrition ...

Vaccination,spreading of Pandemics like H!N1, Ebola etc are the other methods.

To be continued.....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

India Under A Concerted Attack By The Globalists From 2004

     Though,M M Singh,was PLANTED in India,well and truly,under Lalit Narayan Mishra,and though,India was subjected to,and tricked into some "mischiefs",' in the "early",1990s, when M M Singh was Finance Minister[Not Elected to the Lok Sabha so far,an arrogant signature and feature,of HIS Masters],the REAL ATTACK,per se,started from 2004,when the Indira Congress party-led,Coalition,captured Power at the Centre.
     THIS link will be a good guide to understand,why M M Singh and the Indira Congress party are ARROGANT,anti-India.......
     The following have been implemented or are being TRIED :-
1."Indo US Nuclear Deal",despite,very strong Opposition.M M Singh resorted to many LIES.his forte,and The Italian Woman,Il Duce,completed by securing the "necessary" majority,in the parliament,by the "usual" method...
2.Gold import taxed higher,while the Stock markets are being encouraged,on the diktat of the USA.
3.Massive purchase of defence Equipment from the USA.Some are unnecessary.
4.Aadhar,for Surveillance.
5.Proposed,NCTC.This is a CLONE of the Department Of Homeland Security of the USA.
6.PPP  No oversight,as it does not come under either CAG or CVC.Deliberately done to prevent detection of Corrupt practices.
7.National Manufacturing Policy:-
                For DEREGULATION and "self-regulation",for the Oligarchs and their Cos,Indian and Foreign[MNCs]
8.Proposed Food Security Bill..For ushering in US GMO Cos.Incidentally,the USA has,reportedly formulated, a Policy,which uses Trade Wars against nations opposing US GMO Cos and Monsanto.
9.Trade with Pakistan ti be raised,for:-
i)To have access to Afghanistan,for TAPI line and to avoid Iranian port,,thus isolating Iran.Already, many decisions,like not allowing Iran to open Banks,in India for payment of Bills due to crude purchase,have been taken by the RBI.
ii)To sell petrol,Power etc to Pakistan,while Cos in India starve for Power.petrol sales is for benefiting,the NRI Mittal,as his PPP-based Crude refinery with HPCL,is in Bhatinda,very close  to Pakistan...
10.FDI in many areas stealthily....
11.Indian MPs,are being TRAINED in the Yale university,on Leadership,Transparency,"critical thinking"...that is support the USA in all issues.!
        The site above [LINK PROVIDED], gives a very detailed description of what is going on not only in the Yale,but other areas too...
12.It is very strongly,suspected that the IMF sold India,200MT of Tungsten plated with Gold,for the price of PURE GOLD.The Gold with the RBI is being Audited ONLY for Quantity but not ASSAYED,for
PURITY.The people inviolate were the ones who knew how the system worked,like M M Singh,who was RBI,Chioef in India.
      The second surprising thing about,India's Gold,is that M M Singh,was party to the swap of India's Gold with BoE[47MT] and UBS[20MT],in the 1990s.
      It is reported,that Gold-Tungsten Scam,has been going on from the 1980s.This is one of the reasons for Swapping Gold,with Tungsten plated with Gold.
13.On the 13th of this month,[13/9/2012],Diesel price was hiked by Rs 5/=  per Litre,LPG subsidy reduced/capped.
14.On the 14th of this month,FDI in MultiBrand retail,Aviation were announced.
                 For  FDI in Aviation a drama involving Air India and King Fisher Airlines SEEMS to have been enacted......Air India,a PSU is still targeted for BANKRUPTCY by the vested interests.
                 Mamata Bannerjee Ji threatened to quit in 72 Hours if these were not rolled back.As there was no roll back,with the Indira Congress party pushed into a corner,by its Western masters,[mentioned,in the LINK above],the Trinamul Congress opted out of the Coalition UPA II,yesterday[18/9/2012].This is a very important and latest development.
To be continued......

Mamata Bannerjee Ji Targeted By The Indira Congress party misusing the Media?

       Mamata Bannerjee Ji, Targeted By The Indira Congress party misusing the Media?Possible.The Media rarely,criticizes M M Singh,a person aged 78,as "Manmohan"!!!Ditto the Italian Woman,Il Duce!But leaders of ther parties are treated in a less,flattering manner.The Indira Congress party does control the Media.Immersed in many Scams,M M Singh and Il Duce,never offer,a "no-holds-barred" Press Meet.
      Now coming back to Mamata Ji,the press began to call her maverick,that includes the Western ones too,when  she rightly opposed the wrong policies of M M Singh and Il Duce.If one reads the article in my last,including the link,one would find that the methoxy mentioned in there,has been used,against her.
Post Script:-
                    Today,18/9/2012,at about 2130 Hrs,IST,Mamata Ji and her party,Trinamul Congress decided,"enough is enough",and has announced to opt out of the UPA Coalition led by Il Duce.The Minsters from this party are expected to hand over resignation letters,to M M Singh,on Friday,.211/9/23012,at 3PM.
                    The reasons were,the following anti-people,measures,with a caveat that,Diesel price be reduced by about rs 3 or 4,FDI in Multi-Brand retail cancelled,and the number of LPG Cylinders,to families, be raised.  -
1.Diesel price hike by Rs 5/= per litre.
                 This will benefit,THE PRIVATE PLAYERS,A NRI AND THE MNC.
2.51% FDI in Multi-Brand retail
3.Number of subsidized, LPG cylinders,tom families, reduced.
                     S/Shri Lalu Prasad Yadav,Jaganmohan Reddy,,Shrimati Jayalalitha,CM,Tamil Nadu,and many others,may have been subjected to similar tricks,from the link,in the last post,by the Indira Congress party....
To be continued.......

WHY Does the Indira Congress Party, NOT Care For the "Better" Values?

   From 2004,India has become,a Police State with the Indira Congress party, ARROGANTLY following he diktats,[Diesel and other petroleum roducts' price hike,FDI in multi-brand retail],etc of the USA,Bilderbeg,Rothschilds,CFR,Club Of Rome[M M Singh,member],Trilateral Commission[Many Indian Oligarchs members],World Economic Forum[many Indian Oligarchs member], Harvard University[many Indian Politicians,Oligarchs have connections],Aspen institute[many Indians have connections and influenced by this], Bohemian Grove.
      Many "Foundations",like that of Carnegie,has members from the Indian oligarchy[Sunil Bhrati Mittal].Mittal has,reportedly,connections with the Rothschilds.Wal-Mart,etc.Bill Gates' Foundation is very active in India..Bill Gates is repeatedly, a member of the Bilderberg.
      Indian Parliamentary have been undergoing TRAINING in LEADERSHIP,in the Yale University[Home to Skull And Bones,Bush,member.Almost all US Presidents are from this Group!],at least from 2005/6,after M M Singh and Bush signed,reportedly,some "secret" agreements like Strategic Partnership,which may encompass a vast field,including Military.The US Special Forces are in indian soil,as per a Top Military official of the USA,who TESTIFIED to,this in the US House.....BUT THE INDIRA CONGRESS PARTY IS DENYING THIS!!!.
     THIS link contains certain details about  "SKULL AND BONES".....
     An excerpt,from the link aboive,INCLUDes,the PHOTOS:-
"The Order of Skull and Bones
Skull & BonesThe existence of The Order is irrefutable. Also called, Skull and Bones,The Order of DeathThe Brotherhood of Death, and The Order of the Deaths-head. The Order was founded in 1832 by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft. The first graduating class was in 1833. It was formed after Russell returned from a trip to Germany before his senior year. It is said to be an American branch (chapter 322) of a German Masonic/Illuminati group in Bavaria.(*)
Confirmation of its existence and the fact that its members occupy key positions in business and politics have appeared in mainstream media. For instance, during the 2004 presidential candidacy, articles appearing in The Baltimore Sun, CBS News, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution confirmed that both Kerry and Bush were members.
Kerry and Bush also admitted being members on television during a live interview on Meet the Press. There have also been books published on The Order that have received favorable Establishment reviews. Although most of this mainstream coverage was a whitewash, it did reveal a pattern of members occupying the executive branch.
New Member PhotoEach year during commencement week 15 juniors receive a "tap" and are asked "Skull and Bones. Accept or reject?" Most say yes, says Professor Sutton, author of Americas Secret Establishment. After initiation the "patriarchs" spend only one year at Yale, and upon graduation, they reportedly receive $15,000 and a grandfather clock. "The organization," states Professor Sutton "is oriented to the post graduate outside world." Members of The Order are elevated to key positions in government. To the right we see George H. W. Bush standing to the left of the grandfather clock in this 1947 photo consisting of the 15 new members.
     t was legally incorporated as the Russell Trust at Yale University in 1856. It conducts yearly meetings at Deer Island (sic) in New York, which was donated in 1906 by a member of The Order, G. Douglas Miller (1870). The core membership consists of about 20-30 wealthy American families who originally settled on the East Coast in the 17th century. These families include, Whitney, Lord, Phelps, Wadsworth, Allen, Bundy, Adams and others. Its membership also includes families which later acquired wealth, such as Rockefeller, Sloan, Pillsbury, Davison, Harriman, and Payne.
Skull & Bones TombOn the left is the The Order's tomb at Yale University. An article appearing in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on March 6th 2004, entitled Yalies Bush, Kerry Can Keep a Secret, stated, "Bush and Kerry are only the latest Bonesmen to star on the national stage. President George Bush, the incumbent's father, was also a member of Skull and Bones..." The article continued to name other prominent individuals.
Notable members of The Order include:
  • Henry Luce (1920), Time Magazine
  • Henry Lewis Stimson (1888) Secretary of State, Secretary of War to Truman, recommends Atomic bomb be dropped on Japan and worked with General Marshall and FDR to allow Pearl Harbor to occur.(*1)
  • William H. Taft (1878), Supreme Court Justice and President
  • William F. Buckley Jr. (1950), National Review
  • Pierre Jay (1892), first chairman of the Federal Reserve
  • Prescott Sheldon Bush (1917) worked with W. Averill Harriman to fund Nazis and Communists via Union Banking Corporation and Guaranty Trust Company
  • Winston Lord (1959) Lord, Day and Lord, Law Firm
  • William Putnam Bundy (1939) CIA, editor of CFR's Foreign Affairs magazine, Assistant Secretary of State
  • McGeorge Bundy (1940) National Security Advisor, President of the Ford Foundation
  • W. Averill Harriman (1913) Director of Guaranty Trust, Special Assistant to President Truman, funded Nazis and Communists
  • E. Roland Harriman (1917) Brown Brothers, Harriman, director of Union Banking Corporation
An examination of these names reveals cross memberships in the CFR, TC, BB, and the Bohemian Grove. For instance, William F. Buckley Jr. was a member of The Order (1950), the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bohemian Grove.(*2) "Columnist William F. Buckley is on the CFR's membership rolls," wrote Professor Marrs. Buckley ... is a Skull and Bones alumni, [and] has also been honored as a participant in the secretive Bilderbergers Group." In his book, Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy, Mike Hanson wrote of The Order, "You will also notice that many of the names ... show up in Bohemian Club member lists." These two organizations, in turn, are interlocked with the Think Tanks.
George H. W. Bush was a member of The Order (1948), the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and was appointed U.S. Ambassador to the UN. Perloff acknowledged, "George Bush was a Skull and Bonesman, a director of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a member of the Trilateral Commission." He was also the director of the CIA and eventually became President of the United States. In addition to being a member of The Order, Professor Marrs concludes that Prescott Sheldon Bush was a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations. George W. Bush, was initiated into The Order (1968), and eventually became president. Both George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush have attended the Bohemian Grove............
..........Of the initiation ritual, Professor Sutton concludes, "Even with our limited knowledge of the internal ritual of The Order we can make ... definite statements about the links between The Order and satanic beliefs." Within the ceremony, he says, are "aspects notably satanic." He explains, "The first link is through photographic evidence of the association of Skull and Bones with satanic devices, i.e., the skull and crossed bones. The second link is through satanic symbolism."
"In brief," continues Professor Sutton, "the photographs reveal the men portrayed as grave robbers who reject human dignity and decency and use satanic devices." Professor Sutton also notes the activity of "Patriarchs dressed as skeletons" that "howl and screech at new initiates." A History Channeldocumentary entitled, Secret Societies, hosted by Arthur Kent, added that the shortest senior is appointed "little devil," and wears a Satanic costume.
Commenting on the bizarre rituals and beliefs of the Order, Professor Sutton declared, "The reader may consider this juvenile, and it may well be." However, he adds, "On the other hand, these 'juveniles' are the men today running the United States." To that, I would add, the planet. Professor Marrs concurred, writing, "I agree. It is absurd." But, "I can only tell you that this is exactly what goes on."
Another consideration is whether these initiation rituals are significant after graduation. Evidence suggests that the answer is yes. Like the "cremation of care," which will be covered shortly, members of The Order are pledging their allegiance, not to a country or Jesus Christ as they would have you believe. The rituals are enacted for the purpose of worshiping a Satanic entity, and diminishing the conscience of the individuals who partake in them..
.............As elite and influential as members of this society are, they too are manipulated and are under a form of mind-control. They are being directed. Professor Sutton observed, "What happens in the initiation process is essentially a variation of brain-washing ... through heavy peer pressure" they become "prepared for a life of the exercise of power and a continuation of this process into future generations." He adds, "The ritual is designed to mold establishment zombies, to ensure continuation of power in the hands of a small select group from one generation to another.."
             THE PARA ABOVE IS THE REASON,M M SINGH,IS REPEATEDLY TAKING ANTI-INDIA,ANTI-PEOPLE,PRO-MNC AND CRUEL DECISIONS, RESORTING TO BLATANT LIES.......This has been the case from the 1990s,But from the day the so-called,"Indo US Nuclear Deal", was agreed upon between M M Singh and Bush,the former has been resorting blatant and shameless lies.M M SINGH IS VERY STRONGLY SUSPECTED TO BE PLANTED BY THE IMF AND THE WORLD BANK,IN THE  ECHELONS OF INDIA'S CORRIDORS OF POWER.....
   M M Singh,shows favouritism to the Western Cos in general,in prepering reports,Consultancy,Surveys,e-Auctions etc,especially the Rothschilds. 
     Many FDI proposals are pushed through silently,Many Bills are enacted with the others,unaware...Many anti-India Polices are being,considered.Divestment out of profitable Indian PSUs has become routine.the advisor foir this,to the GOI,are the Rothschilds.....
     All these,despite,HEAVY OPPOSITION..
Most of the groups mentioned above,are considered,"ELITIST".....and the elites are reported to practise SATANISM.....
     The Italian Woman,[Il Duce],has been visiting the USA,for the last 3 years,for "medical reasons".Details are secret and there is no report except this news.And this woman has been The Dictator,of India, from 2004.This year,the decision to raise the price of Diesel,reducing subsidy on/for,LPG and Kerosene,FDI in Multi-Brand Retail,etc were announced,[13 and 14/9/2012] as soon as she returned from the USA[10/9/2012].

     THIS link mentions what SATANISM is and what the SATANISTS believe in....
        M M Singh,"runs away",when confronted with questions regarding the SCAMS of the Indira Congress party,which are numerous from 2004.
        THE NEXT ELECTION MAY "ALSO" BE STOLEN IN WHICH CASE,the following will be implemented,and India will be FULLY under the CONTROL of the Foreign Powers mentioned,in the beginning:-
1.NCTC a clone of USA's DHS.
2.Complete DEREGULATION,for all,especially,the Bankers,a ;la the repeal of The Glass-Steagall Act in the USA..  
                  The National Manufacturing Policy has this as its AIM......
3.TPP.This makes Governments answerable to Corporate Honchos
4.Communal Violence Bill
         In this was a particular Minority Community will rule over others,exploiting its association with the Dalits.This is similar to the one in the USA,where a Community from West Asia,dominates others,exploiting its association with African Americans.
5.Food Security Bill and using this US GMO Cos will be ushered in.

To be continued......


      This LINK explains that the claims of LOSSES claimed by the OMCs,based on the so-called,"under-recoveries",is wrong.An excerpt from the link:-
 "While a common man perceives under recoveries as losses suffered by state run oil marketing companies, these losses are just 'notional 'and not actually incurred by the companies. This is because the Government uses import parity basis to calculate under recoveries. For example in case of diesel, the fixed selling price of the diesel is compared to the amount the companies would have paid had they imported the diesel (this will include international price of diesel, custom duties, transportation costs and marketing costs and margins). However, the price thus arrived has nothing to do with the actual cost of producing diesel which will be lesser (considering domestic over capacity in petroleum products refining markets). The way whole thing is projected makes one feel that the Government is making net losses in oil marketing business so as to keep the fuel prices affordable. "
            My comments:-
1.The concept of under-recoveries,and the claims of LOSSES based on these were started by the OMCs ONLY from 2005.Till then,they were making PROFITs?How come?
2.A very important point is:-
"The concept of UNDER-RECOVERIES" was started,by the OMCs, ONLY from 2005,AFTER M M SINGH,BECAME PM!!!"
3.Some starnge coincidences regarding ,"under-recoveris" and the influence of the MNCs,is established.
To be continued....

The COMING Elections,May "ALSO" Be Stolen.....

The COMING Elections,May "ALSO" Be Stolen.....
To be continued.....

Monday, September 17, 2012


  Throughout History this has been the case.The winners write History and make the rules.
  There are reports,that the Agencies,SUPPORT the bankers,in their mischief,by looking the other way. That is there is complete DEREGULATION,and Laws do not apply to the bankers.Add to this the following:-
1.Fractional Reserve Banking
2.Derivatives unregulated and highly leveraged.
3.Nixon's abrogation of the Bretton-Woods Agreement in 1971
4.Clinton's repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act.
5.The attacks on former Yugoslavia,Afghanistan,Iraq,Libya and now Syria.
         I was,wondering about certain happenings.....On 18/9/2012,I got,"ILLUMINATION" [pun intended].
SATANISM........ Satanism and its practice are reported,to be OCCURRING even now,,in many places,where one would least expect it....

Harsha Maddula seems to have been, kidnapped on the morning of,22/9/2012,the day on which the Equinox falls.The other day,in a year is,20th or 21st or 22nd March.
        Poor Harsh Maddula's body found,near a place from which he is thought to have texted "his", North Western university.....His parents are stunned that he,a book-wrom would go near water,as he does not know how to swim.Did the perpetrators.if any, want to communicate the location,in an act of utmost arrogance?
        THIS Satanic calendar,mentions the dates 20th to 23rd September,as the ones on which Satanic Rituals,like Human Sacrifice occur.
  An excerpt from the above link:-
"An equinox occurs twice a year (around 20 March and 22 

September), when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away 

from nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same 

plane as the Earth's equator. The term equinox can also be used in a 
broader sense, meaning the date when such a passage happens. The 

name "equinox" is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) 

and nox (night), because around the equinox, the night and day 

have approximately equal length"
        The dates around, 20th, of March and 22nd 

September,are important from the point of view of 


                    The blast in the Indian Sub,SINDHURAKSHAK,a few days ago,when it was docked in the Mumbai port,killing 18,is a suspected sabotage by a country, I know,to have done it.....
                      Russia says the USA is making Bio-weapons in ,the former Soviet  Bio-Lab,LUGAR,Georgia


                        The death of two policemen and the murder of six injuring about 100,on the 31st and 27th October,2013,respectively, seem to be the pre- and  Halloween Sacrifices by the enemies of BJP and Shri Modi Ji,the Globalist Elites.


Satanism in Hollywood,reported.


The hallmark fo a Satanist Group.


       After reading about,the tortures and rapes in Iraq,after seeing African leaders hunted down and "punished" for War Crimes,Crimes Against Humanity etc,the Caption seems quite right.Add former Yugoslavia,Libya,Syria,Ukraine etc......    
Will be updated......

The Gold With the RBI And The Gold Tungsten Scam.....

   While the Gold with the RBI,is being Audited for QUANTITY,so far there is no information regarding the PURITY of "THIS Gold",in view of the scam pertaining to Salting of Gold with Tungsten,from the 1980s......Why this is so?The DENSITIES of Gold and Tungsten are almost THE SAME,while their prices have a very HUGE difference......India needs to assay the Gold,by:-
1.Drilling a hole in ALL the samples.That is the entire quantity.
2.By melting
                It is noteworthy that after M M Singh became Finance Minister in the 1990s,India swapped her Gold with that of BoE[47 MT] and UBS[20MT]. India also bought about 200 MT of Gold from the IMF,in 2009,the same year the Fiscal Deficit was kept DELIBERATELY HIGH,with stimuli to the indian and Foreign Oligarchs worth LAKHS of CRORES of RUPEES.It is noteworthy,that the Global Financial Crash concurred in 2008!A starnge fact is that during all these Gold transactions M M Singh has been in influential positions.M M Singh is also a former IMF employee!!!A person,similar to M M Singh in many respects sold the Gold of a Western Nation when the price was $250 per US Oz!!!
To be continued.......

India:- A Police state from 2004.....

      THIS link says it all......
Besides the following are worrying points:-
1.India is no longer a Democratic Republic from 2004!
2.M M Singh a person NOT EVEN ELECTED to the Parliament is simply, handing over India's wealth,resources etc to his Western masters and Indian oligarchs,leading to CRONY CAPITALISM.....PPP model is being misused to bypass CAG and CVC,thus OPENLY encouraging CORRUPTION.
      M M Singh seems to have at least knowledge of many scams,with Coal-Gate culminating in his direct INVOLVEMENT,as he was in charge of the JAILED Soren.Still he is not resigning.he arrogantly patted raja when the 2 G spectrum scam was very much being discussed and exposed,in the Media.R      Not only this,but all "deals",Bills etc have been signed,despite protests from the Indo US Nuclear deal to the FDI in MultiBrand retail,Diesel price hike etc.The Italian Woman is also anti-India, pro-US and pro-MNCs..The Indira Congress party works in "SECRECY" and against the Nation.All protest are brutally,nipped in the bud..
      The MNCs and indian oligarchs,are beinf used as pawns for achieving DEREGULATION,SELF-REGULATION etc with incessant media Blitz...The National manufacturing Policy and the NMIZs are for this.
3.The Italian Woman,the Dictator,is making 'secret' trips to the USA,ostensibly,for,"medial check ups"...
4.The next Lok Sbha Elections and even the ones for Assemblies in various States are in danger of being STOLEN...
5.Western espionage Agencies along with the one from West Asia,may resort to their mischief:-
False Flags like,Communal Riots,burning of Train Coaches ,"atrocities against the Minorities",to favour a particular pseudo-secular Communal party.........
6.Bilderberg,the IMF,the World Bank and the Rothschilds seem to be ruling India now,by proxy,M M Singh
7.A Big Shot in the US Military claims in the US House,that US Special Forces are working in India.The Indira Congress party denies the same!
8.Gold import is taxed HIGHER,and the Indira Congress party,recommends that Indians  invest their Savings in the casino called,Stock Markets....No guarantee of fair-play,though,.while Crude is being imported,whatever the price[Crude import should be adjusted,based on the BREAK-EVEN price,but the Big Oil cartels rule the roost].This will make the US Dollar comparatively strong and deny Indians,to PRESERVE their Wealth.The height of it!!!
         The utter contempt the party at the Centre,the major partner of the Coalition is showing to Indians,their Democratic Republic,Parliament, Constitution,etc is shocking!!!
         India is in extreme danger under M M Singh and the Indira Congress party.
1.Adarssh Society.Many Documents have been reported "MISSING"!What a fraud!What a deception!!!
3.2 G spectrum worth Rs 1.78 LAKH CRORES.
4.CoalGate worth more than India's GDP itself.....This and many others,are actually TRANSFER of the National Wealth and resources to Private players:-A IMF and World bank demand from itys puppets who fill the present Government at the Centre.This is wroth more than Rs 100 LAKH CRORES!!!
4. Thorium Scam resulting in a LOSS to the National Exchequer of Rs 48 LAKH CRORES.Thorium has been exported to Foreign nations at cheap prices.
   M M Singh has signed a Nuclear "Deal" with the USA,which makes India dependent on other nations for Uranium,while Thorium,abundant in  India,can be used for Nuclear power generation,with the addition of ONLY a small amount of Plutonium......
   The temerity of the Indira Congress party is a very great danger for India.
  The coming Elections may be ridden with frauds,as EVMs will come in the picture.  False Flags with Communal Riots,burning of railway Coaches,etc are, on the cards..
To be continued......

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Social Engineering ......

      The Globalists,want DEREGULATION in everything......That is,they should NOT be bound by National and International Laws......The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act,was the first step.The dangerous derivatives are unregulated and highly leveraged.Due to DEREGULATION,the World is reported to be sitting on a $1500 Trillion, Derivatives BOMB!
     The Globalists resort to SOCIAL ENGINEERING,to form One World Totalitarian Government.For this,the MASSES,have to be "socially engineered',so that they will NOT question,the wrong doings of the Globalists,in their quest for the said,One World Totalitarian Government.The following are the methods used:-
1.Outcome-Based Education.

     In this the students are NOT taught new things,to enhance their knowledge,but their BEHAVIOUR is modified,so that they would not question any wrong doing.
      Since,nothing new is taught,THE TEACHER is replaced,by a FACILITATOR!To have a strong hold on the young,the FACILITATOR,will do away with both the PARENTAL and TEACHER's LOVE....The FACILITATOR will be on the look out for creating mischief,so that the children would hate their PARENTS and TEACHERs...
      OBE,will cover all the things,that have to changed in a Child,for the Sate to take over him/her.....

 2.Media Control:-.Cocal Cola has a campaign with NDTYV and TOI with J.P.Morgan.Both the MNCs are powerful Globalist Elites. J.P.Morgan is reported to have BOUGHT the US Media.
3.Porn Artistes accepted as legitimate in Fashion,Movie industries.For example,there is a news item that a certain porn artiste is going take part in Goa fashion show,as reported on 17/10/.2012..
     The  "artiste",mentioned above visits Siddhivinayak Orphanage Mumbai.
This is too much.......
To be continued......

Protect Your Wealth!!!Buy physical Gold And Silver!

       One can protect and "preserve', the value of one's wealth,in these times,when Governments are stealing,them by way of Inflation.The Casinos,Stock and Currency Markets,are also, misused to steal individuals' wealth.Here,the big players, have inside information,due to contact with the governments.CAVEAT EMPTOR!
       Some elements are misusing the unregulated and highly leveraged,derivatives,to bankrupt,Municipalities, nation and individuals.The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act and Globalization,have also sped up,the looting......
       Physical,Gold,Silver and even Copper,are the preservers of one's wealth.One should have at least 25 to 30% of one's wealth,in this form,after taking care to have a House of one's own.This point was,driven home,strongly,after my investment of about Rs 10,000/=, in 2002,turned into rs 20,000/=.That's it doubled.So what?I should have invested in Gold and Silver in 2002,which were at 6 times LESS the, price now.What would have been my amount,in that case?Rs 60,000/=
       A 500% rise instead of 100%.
       What about Stock Markets?I would very strongly,recommend,"BUY LOW,SELL DEAR".For this one has to have patience.Wait for the markets to Crash.Buy.Wait for the Bull Run,Sell.
        The "boom-burst" Cycle is the bread and butter of  the professionals...One can take advantage of the same.Invest ONLY 10%,of YOUR SAVINGS,IN THIS WAY,IN STOCK MARKETS.... Every-time you invest in Stocks,buy physical Gold and/or, Silver,for an equal amount.
To be continued.....

The False Flags.....

  False Flags are very common,to achieve a desired aim.Gladio is cited to be one,such.In India,Religious Clashes are common before elections. THIS SHOWS ONE OF THE DARKER SIDES,AS MENTIONED IN THE LAST POST....

Elections,both Assembly and Lok Sabha,are due in December and 2014,if mid-term polls do not occur,BEFORE<but are a strong possibility.False Flags are expected, or have already started....The recent clashes in Ghaziabad and Assam are examples.The burning of S11 coach of Tamil Nadu Express,in Nellore,reminiscent of Godhra, is also one.Cui Bono?
       Many events are manipulated by the Globalists,which includes Sport Events,at all levels,including the International ones....
To be continued........

Western Nations Are Bankrupt?Can't Believe It!!!

        There are reports that, many nations,especially,the Western ones,the so-called,PIIGS,etc are BANKRUPT!The UK.the USA,Japan,Germany, France etc have HUGE Debts....
        How is this possible?
        How can,nations having brilliant,Economists,Bankers etc become bankrupt?Where has,all  the WEALTH gone? Knowing that it is a ZERO-SUM-GAME,  a VERY STRONG possibility, is......  you can guess it.... ......As an example,a person in a responsible position,,sold part of his Nation's Gold,when the price was ONLY $250/ US Oz,,and has been criticized,ever since.
       It is reported  that Club Of Rome,a Globalist Body[M M Singh is member of Club Of Rome.Gorbachev too.And he got the erstwhile USSR,"dissolved"!],has the following aims:-
1.Destroy Nations by shattering their Economies
2.DEPOPULATE Mother earth,to a level,the members of this Body "approve",of!!
       India is also being BANKRUPTED from 2004 on-wards with DELIBERATELY bad and CRIMINAL anti-India polices,activities etc.There is a body in India,called,"Club Of Rome India"!!

       The CAD is a case in point.After 2004,India's CAD has been in a very bad shape from a very solid position in 2003/2004.

      The following International financial practices,are unethical,and hence its is NOT surprising,that we see so much cheating:-
a)Fractional Reserve Banking
                     The suppression of the prices of both Gold and Silver,in particular and others like Crude in general,shows Cartels operating,in a big way,creating scam after scam after scam....
c)The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act,along with item (b),above.
d)Trying for DEREGULATION by the Globalist Oligarchs,proposed NMIZs[in India],are examples.
TPP is said to be the mother of PPP,with Governments proposed to compensate the Oligarchs even when the latter are on the wrong side of the Law[?].
e)In India the purchase of Gold is discouraged citing Trade Deficits,but Crude Oil is bought by Indian OMCs,whatever the price,even without considering break-even price for refining the same!!!The Big Oil Conspiracy........
f)The so-called,"under-recoveries", claimed by the OMCs from 2005 are LIES and is draining the National Exchequer to the tune of Rs 1,38,000 Crores[last Fiscal],So far,this amount,from 2005,is suspected to be at least rs 6 LAKH CRORES......And the UNDER-RECOVERIES SCAM is continuing....
To be continued.......  

This World.....

This World can be divided into:-
                             At this level,one is responsible for one's Life.One has the freedom to choose,as well as responsibilities to be discharged,starting with oneself.
                             A Coach will be beneficial.......LUCK PLAYS A VERY GREAT PART IN LIFE,ALL OTHER THINGS BEING EQUAL.......proper Communication to avoid misunderstandings,is very important at this,and the following two levels.
                             Here Luck plays a part,as to where, when one is born......For example,one would be better, NOT to be born in places where constant strife of the Military type,are going on...Where radio-active materiel are present.Other chemicals which result in deformities etc.
                             Location,is also important from the point of view of water availability,radiation due to radioactive minerals,Urban or rural area,proximity to flourishing Cities in the case of rural areas,opportunities,availability of educational and other Institutions,etc.......
                             After this comes,whether one is born into a rich,poor or Middle Class family.This will have a very high influence on one's mental make up,apart from genetically,endowed ones.
                             This too has a very great bearing,on one's life.
                              This is the one that decides,how one lives,as this has a dark side,influenced,by Mafias,cartels,Fanatics etc......Even though,all the levels have complexities of their own,THIS is the most complex,having the POWER,to do anything to ordinary people.......
                              Propaganda plays a very great part in this.AND MIGHT IS RIGHT.........   day and niight.....
To be continued...........

There are More Good And kind People....

              There are More Good And kind People,than bad and cruel ones.........
           I have been fortunate,to be supported by KIND people,during a greater part of my Life,for which I am thankful.....
           I am indebted to Shri Sriram,of E.I.D Parry Ltd and his younger brother for getting me employment in G.N.F.C
           I especially,thank the following people and groups,as the case may be:-
1.Germans, mostly representing Linde who were in GNFC to Commission the MAIN,plant,till about, 1983.
2.Shri A.N.Aggarwal the former ED of the above Co.
3.Shri J.K.Shah ED Marketing GNFC.He was very kind to me.
4,NARDES,who treated me with LOVE and compassion.
5.The people of Gujarat who have been very kind to me.
6.Shri Sriram,my Senior colleague in Parry And Co,,Tamil Nadu,Madras[now,Chennai],who was responsible for my getting a job in GNFC.Shri Thangam Menon and Dr Santhanam for their kindness.But for them,I would have had a more bitter struggle in my life and early Youth.
7.Late Shri U.Vijayaraghavan,ED GNFC.
9.Shri K.A.Shah of GNFC and NCPL.He was very kind to me.
10.Shri V.K.Karia,who was very kind to me.
11.Shri S.Arun,former,ED,marketing,GNFC.He and hi family ARE and have been,, very kind to me.
12.Shri V.S.JOSHI whom I hold very high for his kindness and help..
14.Shri A.T.Patadia,one of the best managers,who knows what HRD means...
15.Shri D.S.Taunk,former,ED Finance,GNFC
16.All the MDs of GNFC,starting from Shri Coelho,Shri Vittal Saab,Shri Ramanathan Saab,Shri Mahapatra Saab,Shri Singh Saab,The IAS....
17.Shri S.K,B annatwala Saab
18.Shri B.M Sharma Saab.....
19.Shri M.M.Bhatt Saab
20.Shri B.R.Patel
21.Shri R.C.Desai
        Thus I am humbled by the help I received,in my life.
To be continued..........