Sunday, December 23, 2012

Bush Winking At The Queen Of England.....

    In 2007,an incident occurred,which you may term notorious or famous depending on your views.
The then US president Bush 'winked' at the Queen of England and she was not at all pleased with that,and even seemed to be angry.The photos below are from THIS link:-

Was Bush sending a message to the Queen of England?That the USA is NOT A COLONY!!!
To be continued......

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Darker Side Of Our World!

  While essentially,the World is good[and hence the majority],a Minority resort to unimaginable practices,in order to "CONTROL", the World at large.
  Things seem one thing superficially,but mean entirely a different thing,when gone into,deeply.There are thousands of such personal,Religious,National and International events..
   The Indira Congress party,in India has become the slave of the Globalists and is working against the people of India,with little mercy.Policy after policy is being changed very rapidly from 2004.The Nation is being BANKRUPTED and handed over to the Wall Street Bankers.
   EVMs seem to be misused by a particular party which is in a position of influence.This party is the slave of the Globalists and has an array of tools at its command.CIA,MI6 and Mossad seem to be working to ensure that this party is in Power,in India.
   Corruption is rampant,but the GUILTY roam free,selling the Nation to the Foreign Masters.
To be continued......

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Club Of Rome,M M Singh And India!

  Club Of Rome,is reported to have the following aims:-
1.Destroy Nations by shattering their economies to form one World Totalitarian Government of the Globalists.
2.Depopulate Mother Earth to a level the members of club Of Rome,approve of.
   Gorbachev is a member of Club Of Rome, and see that he did to the erstwhile USSR.he simply "dissolved" it.
    In this context the agreement to construct 16 to 18 more Nuclear plants in India by 2030 is to DEPOPULATE[by sterilization due to radiation,in the vicinity],one of the two MAIN aims of Club Of Rome.
    M M Singh is also member Club Of Rome.hence India is in danger.He has been involved with India from his UNCTAD days!The danger is simply beyond comprehension.India faces an uphill task under M M Singh,to survive.
     Thanks to M M Singh,now there is a Club Of Rome India!!!
     The following excerpt is from THIS link:-
"Ashok Khosla is one of the world’s leading experts on the environment and sustainable development. He was the Founding Director of the Indian government’s Office of Environmental Planning and Co-Ordination, the first such agency in a developing country. He left the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) to found Development Alternatives, a Delhi-based NGO devoted to promoting commercially viable, environmental friendly technologies. He has been a Board Member of numerous global environmental organisations, including the International Institute for Sustainable Development and the Stockholm Environment Institute and served as an adviser to, among others, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme and the Indian government. Currently, he is Co-President of the Club of Rome and Co-Chair of the International Resource Panel. Mr. Khosla was made an OBE by the UK Government and awarded the 2002 Sasakawa Environment Prize and WWF’s Duke of Edinburgh Medal in 2011."
  As if M M Singh were not enough.....What will this person do with his NGO, with grants from the GOI?Obvious!!
   Club Of Rome,has infiltrated India!!!!

     Hence this article provides all that,is possible about Club Of Rome and its associated bodies.Here we go:-
1.The connections of the various Globalist Bodies.

2.The Hidden Agenda of these Globalist Bodies.

3.CFR,Kissinger,Royal Institute f International Affairs and Club Of Rome.
4.David Rockefeller founded the Club Of Rome.
It is reported that it was,Rockefeller's[which?],idea to'DE-INDUSTRIALIZE" the USA in /at,about 1968/69.Now the division of the Globe into 10 regions is accounted for!Still,the US leaders,keep their technological Supremacy intact by force, money-power,and of course use of Intelligent people..

To be continued............

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Some Baffling Paradoxes or Deceptions.....

1.No Law for the BANKSTERS.
  The Banksters are ruling the World,entering fields where they have no Business[pun intended].They have usurped power,in the important Nations of the World,except Russia, China,Iran and some Latin American nations.
       The Global Finance has become a fraud!
2.Israel ,USA and EU,misuse Muslims in Libya,Syria etc against Muslims themselves....
3.The USA,UK and Europe misusing the same tricks [False Flag with propaganda] , for centuries to create trouble in and usurp power in the nations,like Libya ,Syria etc.The troubles in these two, are reminiscent of the Punjab problem created in India by CIA,Pakistan,in the 1970s and 80s,resulting in the Assassination,by proxy,of Indira Gandhi,on a Halloween day[31/10/1984],a trade mark of the Illuminati..Such things are possible ONLY if, important, institutions have been infiltrated.
4."War On Terror", is a lie,as the West uses the so-called "TERRORISTS" themselves to create trouble.War On Terror is a trick and FALSE Flag to form One World Totalitarian Government by chipping away at the individual Freedom,in the name of FREEDOM itself!
      The West makes fun of a particular Abrahamic Religion.....But the concerned nations,simply look on,especially the one where their Holy Site is situated!
      In places like India,the West consistently attacks Casteism,while it spreads PORN and other anti-social practices,by Social Engineering.But the West and its Vatican practice their own type of Casteism,namely HIERARCHY !!
      One particular Abrahamic religion follows Satanic practices,and considers itself to be SUPERIOR to all others!!!.
      The whole World has been simply looking on,as the USA and the UK have misusing the same trick/deception,over and over again successfully.This is the greatest PARADOX!
      Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings on December 14th 2012,seems to have many loopholes

5.Certain rooms, are sealed in the Taj Mahal and the Government in Power does not allow them to be opened.
6.Nobody is able to do anything against M M Singh and Il Duce,despite ,many "errors" from them,which are anti-India.The pricing of the petroleum fuels n India, is one of the many examples.
7.Media headlines scream,"RAPE",whenever,M M Singh,faces charges,especially,regarding the notorious CoalGate,thus diverting the attention of the masses. 
8.The recent, sinking of an Indian Submarine and many accidents,fire etc resulting in death of many Navy Personnel,is indeed,baffling!
To be continued........

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"21st ASEAN Summit And Related Summits".Appreciation For M M Singh?

   The last ASEAN Meet in the latter half of November,2012,was combined with Indo-ASEAN "Summit" and the Trans-Pacific Partnership......: The most unexpected "leaders" were Gillard and Obama.
    Was Obama there to congratulate M M Singh,for the anticipated FDI,in Retail?Gillard was standing "near" M M Singh?Subtle way of appreciation for FDI?

The above photos are from THIS link.Gratefully acknowledged!
Or has M M Singh made India a member of the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
                    Movement in the USA to stop the fast track ,SECRETIVE and Undemocratic[Dictatorial],TPP Agreement.
        The following Video mentions about the dangers of TPP and what they propose to do from 20/9/2013 to 24.9/2013.

Will be updated....