Thursday, October 25, 2012

The So-Called,Policy Changes.......

Are for the benefit of Western Businesses.....
     The many "policy changes", being done by M M Singh are for the benefit of the Western Businesses.Th proposed "New LNG Policy",for example,is for the benefit of the Rothschilds who own Shell India and have formed a 100% FDI in LNG importing and Marketing with Total of France with a terminal in Hazira,Gujarat.They are "expanding" in the East Coast[Andhra].....
Will be updated.......

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Why Greece Has Been Chosen For Bankruptcy And......

........destruction of Democracy?Because DEMOCRACY is supposed to have been BORN in Greece!The Globalists who want to destroy Democracy,around the World, and usher in their One World Totalitarian Government,have started with the Nation,where democracy was born....
       Greece,is the first of all the Nations of the World,targeted by the Globalists to be BANKRUPTED.India is also being Bankrupted under M M Singh,member,Club Of Rome.
       Club Of Rome,reportedly,aims to:-
1.Destroy a nation's Economy.
     The "dissolution" of the erstwhile USSR,by Gorbachev,a member,Club Of Rome,is a case in point.
2.DEPOPULATE the earth to a "suitable",level,as desired by the Globalists.

To be continued..........

Friday, October 19, 2012

Has M M Singh Surrendered India's Nukes To The USA?

        In 2005 M M Singh announced that CONSENSUS will be followed in India's,so-called Nuclear Deal with the USA
        Going back to the 90s of the last century,after the dissolution of the erstwhile USSR,by Gorbachev,member,Club Of Rome[M M Singh is also a member!],the USA and the UK began to intimidate all and sundry even Russia,except China.It is reported that Mr.Vladimir Putin [who saved Russia,from the puppet of the Globalists,Boris Yeltsin], used to travel with a suitcase,which had the "buttons" to activate Russia's Nuclear Missiles.Such was the tension during this period.
      Hence M M Singh might have been intimidated.
Now Gillard of Australia, is willing to sell Uranium to power India's Nuclear plants.Now Australia has maintained all along,that India needs to sign the NPT,if it is to get Uranium from her.Has M M Singh secretly agreed with his Western masters to do so?Gillard,M M Singh etc belong to the Globalist Elites....
      Some of the pother pertinent factors are:-
1.Pakistan is being bombed using Drones by the USA,almost humiliating that Nation,its leadership and the Civilians.Is this,because Pakistan does not BOW to the pressures of the West,to make its Nukes,impotent,as M M Singh,seems to have done?The probability is very high.
2.Sanctions have been imposed against Iran,regarding its Nuclear ambitions.
To be continued........

Thursday, October 18, 2012

India Is In Danger Now Under M M Singh!

   India has been betrayed throughout her History.M M Singh a puppet of the IMF,World Bank and the Rothschilds,is betraying India at least from the 1990s ....HE MAY WELL HAVE BEEN DOING THIS BEFORE ......His posting in UNCTAD seems to be the first step in infiltrating India by the International Bankers.....
    Lets see the trend from the 1990s.....
       This is the main off-shoot of liberalization,which is nothing but MATERIALISM,CRONY CAPITALISM,with NO VALUES.............That is,the Oligarchs,Indian and Foreign, are ABOVE Law.
       In this context,it should be mentioned that,M M Singh insults the National Anthem,the Indian Democracy by not voting,the Constitution,by attacking bodies like,CAG,...These are typical of Globalists....
       Under UPA I and II with M M Sigh as the PM[NOT EVEN ELECTED,reported entered Rajya Sabha controversially,by fraud],this has reached the ZENITH with no respect for India's CONSTITUTION,PARLIAMENT,CIVIL SOCIETY, etc......
       Recently,Pranab Mukherjee,as the President of India,opined that the price of Petroleum products have to be aligned with those of the International ones...
       This shows not ONLY arrogance but a lack of knowledge and empathy,so expected from a President....
a)Average income of Indians is far below that of the International ones
b)The Per Capita Income of Indians is very low compared to international standards.It should be remembered that the few Billionaires' income, influences the per capita income and this does NOT reflect the TRUE POVERTY in existence in India.
c)there are many technical factors which prove Pranab Mukherjee's claim to be false and bsed on wrong notions and evn on being FORCED by the likes of Bilderberg,Club Of 300 etc.
2.M M Singh is NOT ELECTED but he is PM of India.But always the Italian Il Duce,,the Indira Congress party,is presented as the de facto PM,from 2004.
     In some instances,Il Duce takes credit and in others simply blames th Opposition for her party's anti-national Acts.
3.Il Duce and M M Singh act inn SECRECY.Il Duce is suspected to meet the Bilderberg,under various pretexts,from 2011,in St Morirz, Switzerland .
       This does not augur well for India but then these two do not seem to have India's interest at heart.Il Duce,is also a cunning religious bigot and resort to division of India based on religion and upper and Lower class, "Hindus".....
4.The JPC on the 2 G spectrum scam proves that India is a DICTATORSHIP,from 2004.Since links get broken,I am providing the FULL article below:-
"Former Cabinet Secretary Chandrashekhar deposes before JPC
The former Cabinet Secretary, K.M. Chandrashekhar’s shocking revelation on Thursday to the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) investigating the 2G scam that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had ignored his recommendation that an entry fee of Rs. 36,000 crore be charged for spectrum, has brought the ghost of the 2G scam back to the Prime Minister’s doorstep.
Mr. Chandrashekhar’s disclosure that he had submitted a note recommending a huge upward revision in the existing price of Rs. 1,651 crore for pan-India spectrum that had been discovered at 2001 rates, was in response to CPI leader Gurudas Dasgupta’s persistent questioning about the failure of the Cabinet Secretariat to act on a matter which had such huge financial implications for the country. Mr. Dasgupta’s relentless and well-researched questioning of witnesses has yielded unexpected dividends.
5 weeks before 2G scam
According to Mr. Chandrashekhar, the note was submitted on December 4, 2007. More importantly, it was not written suo motu, but submitted in response to a specific enquiry made by the Prime Minister regarding the financial implications of the allocation of scarce 2G spectrum at the 2001 price. Mr. Chandrashekhar explained that his recommendation for a staggering increase in spectrum price was based among other things, on the size of the market, the improvement in teledensity and the fact that demand had exceeded supply which was reflected through a long queue of 575 applicants for the licence. However, Dr. Singh never responded to his note.
The timing of this note reveals that had the Prime Minister acted upon Mr. Chandrashekhar’s advice, the government could have easily prevented the scam, since this note was dated 5 weeks before the scam took place on January 10, 2008.
PM’s silence
Dr. Singh’s silence on the matter is particularly inexplicable considering that Mr. Chandrashekhar’s note was consistent with his own letter of November 2, 2007 to ex-Telecom Minister A. Raja, seeking either auctions — where legally possible — or an increase in the entry fee. Mr. Raja had replied to Dr. Singh’s letter on the same day, refusing to either auction the spectrum or enhance the entry fee.
Subsequently, the then Finance Secretary Dr. Subbarao wrote to the Department of Telecom on November 22, 2007, again questioning the allocation of spectrum at 2001 rates, and directing a stay on all future allocation. The then DoT Secretary D.S. Mathur replied to this letter on November 29, 2007 arguing against any such action.
The timing of the letter is particularly significant since it was written after all correspondence between the Prime Minister and Mr. Raja and between the Finance and DoT Secretaries had been exhausted.
Note never revealed
JPC members point out that it is very worrisome that this note has been kept under wraps by everyone concerned, including the CBI, which recently provided a detailed deposition to the same JPC without so much as a whisper about such a document. Such concealment cannot be justified after so many developments have taken place — that it is now nearly four-and-half years after the scam broke out; that FIRs have been registered against several companies and officers of the government, including a former Union Minister; that multiple cases have been filed in a High Court and a PIL in the Supreme Court; that the Supreme Court has issued an order cancelling 122 licences on February 2, 2012; and then came over 100 statements, press releases, TV interviews, depositions in the JPC and even statements in Parliament.
Dr. Singh himself held a full press conference on the 2G scam on February 16, 2011, followed by a statement in Parliament on February 24, 2011. The Prime Minister explained that he did not object to Mr. Raja’s insistence on spectrum allocation at a 2001 price because of the agreement between the Ministries of Finance and Telecom as per the Cabinet decision of 2003, but did not reveal the existence of this critical note from the country’s seniormost bureaucrat.
‘PM failed in his duty’
“This is concrete proof that the PM failed in his duty to raise the entry fee for spectrum by ignoring market conditions as well as a clamour for price revision by several members of Parliament, industrialists, media and top bureaucrats,” Mr. Dasgupta told The Hindu.
According to BJP leader and JPC member Yashwant Sinha, “The fact that the government is using concealment of critical information and misuse of the JPC Chairman’s office to scuttle the 2G probe is a very serious matter.”
Senior BJP leader Arun Jaitley told The Hindu: “The PMO must respond to charges of deliberate concealment of critical evidence since concealment is construed to be a part of criminal intent.”
Chacko defends PM
However, JPC Chairman and Congress MP P.C. Chacko, rather than briefing the media on the JPC proceedings, mounted a detailed defence of the Prime Minister. “The Cabinet Secretary had reported at that point of time — when various aspects were being considered by the PMO, DoT and the Finance Ministry — that if 2001 prices are revised then what will be the implications … It wasn’t the PM’s responsibility to revise the entry fee or spectrum price … He has to refer it to concerned Minister. [The] Telecom Minister has to go through the TRAI recommendation which had clearly said that prices needn’t be revised,” he told a TV channel.
All six BJP members of the JPC and Mr. Dasgupta have already walked out of the JPC to protest Mr. Chacko’s attempts to sabotage any meaningful investigation by steadfastly refusing to entertain demands to call Finance Minister P. Chidambaram and Dr. Singh as witnesses. Mr. Chacko’s attempt to now publicly protect the Prime Minister is bound to deepen this divide, which is expected to reflect in Parliament next month."
5.The one feature of M M Singh's reign[Il Duce's/],has been MEGA-CORRUPTION,CRONY CAPITALISM and utter dishonesty...
6.India's PSUs are being systematically destroyed,to bring in Private Players
7.India's PSUs are DIVESTED  out of,so that during an EMERGENCY India will not have "anything" to fal back upon and will be declared BANKRUPT.
      M M Singh,on the diktat of his Masters,has already wrecked India Current Account SURPLUS,undr the NDA in 2003,to a MASSIVE DEFICIT.
     He has also,kept the Fiscal Deficit very HIGH..
     After Divestment and Privatization of India's natural Wealth and RESOURCES,the ONLy this needed is to immerse her in a MASSIVE Debt....
      The so-called,INFRASTRUCTURE,is the TOOL that will be used for this.....That is,2 out of 3 steps, needed to BANKRUPT India have already been,implemented,by stealth,by the cunning M M Singh the puppet of the West.
o be continued......

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Liberalization:-Diktat of the IMF And the World Bank,MATERIALISM SANS VALUES!!!

   M M Singh,member,Club Of Rome,a suspected PLANT of the IMF and the World Bank,is for Liberalization[materialism sans values.Theft and transfer of India's Wealth to Oligarchs Indian and Foreign] and "reforms"[ANTI-INDIA POLICES].
  The Globalists have a knack of coining words with opposite meanings.For example, Liberalization is SLAVERY and "reforms" are ANTI-NATIONAL POLICES!!!
  Right from the day M M Singh became Finance Minster to this day under his party's rule,CORRUPTION and hence the number of SCAMS, has been very HIGH.
  On the diktat of the IMF and the World Bank, Fiscal Deficit is kept HIGH to usher in anti-India pro-MNC policies.
  Inflation is kept HIGH to steal the wealth of Indians,by making their WEALTH get ERODED!
  Privatization has resulted in merciless treatment to those who are POOR,sometimes resulting in deaths,s had happened recently[October,2012],in Delhi,when a Senior citizen died,due to the tough tactics of the private sector,regrading Power connection to his house...
     What does the so-called,LIBERALIZATION,mean?REMOVAL OF ALL CONTROLS!!!
Now,imagine the Police and the Military are done away with.What would happen?Robberies and other crimes will be the order of the day.And the Nation will be invaded.....This is what the so-called, LIBERALIZATION,brings about.
To be continued.......

Monday, October 15, 2012

Illuminati's Misuse Of The Media etc

    Illuminati use many tricks to manipulate misusing the media etc.

The following is one such example.THIS LINK screams:-
     Disney is a Globalist Body controlled by the Illuminati or a prominent Illuminati "itself"...

To be continued........

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bonded Labourers ......

  More than 12 bonded labourers and 4 of their children,were rescued from a Brick factory in Odisha.
The following photo is from the link above;-

To be continued......

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Manufacture Of Commercial Airliners....

    I am curious,as to why,there are ONLY a few Manufacturers of,Commercial Airliners and they can be counted ion one's fingers!
    Of course,there is the USA.then there was Aeroflot of the erstwhile USSR. Russia seems to be trying to resurrect the same,but the recent crash of its experimental model in Thailand,[by the competitors?],may be a discouraging factor.
    We have the Airbus of the Europeans.
     Brazil seems to be manufacturing small Commercial planes.
     China has a model an intends to manufacture these.
In short,the manufacture of commercial Airliners,seems to be in the hands of a few and seems to  point to a CARTEL.
    India's lack of interest in the Manufacture of Airliners,is mysterious.
To be continued......

This Person,aged 80 ........... NOT elected t the Lok Sabha,but is very strongly suspected to be PLANTED by outsiders.
1.In 1997/8,he contested the Lok Sabha Elections from Delhi.For this he borrowed Rs 2 LAKHS from a person belonging to his own Community.
2.In 2009,this person announces a wealth of about rs 5.3 CRORES!!!That is,he has made this amount in 9 years,while he could not do the same,in his 66 years of life.Some honest man!  
3.And look at this "OLD" man's temerity.
he has doubled his wealth in JUST 3 YEARS!What an economist!!!
4.His entry via Rajya sabha is also controversial.....
      This person promenades,as the epitome of INTEGRITY!!!
T be continued......

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fake Gold Bars And Testing For Purity.

  Fake Gold Bars,misuse is reported, to be around, from the 1980.It is believed that the Wealth of many Nations have stolen,like Gold Reserves and replaced with Fake Ones[Tungsten plated with gold.Many variations are there,like Gold bars emptied and filled with Tungsten]Many countries SEEM to be holding their "RESERVES" in Fake Gold Bars[ TUNGSTEN plated.with a thin layer of Gold,GOLD Biscuits,from standard sources,like UBS,filled with TUNGSTEN after the Gold is removed from the bars,etc].Generally a traitor,sometimes holding,one of the highest office of the nation is involved.As you read on you will gain more insight.
Since this is a very important subject,I shall provide links and videos, pertaining to this Scam.This is also, called,"SALTING OF GOLD WITH TUNGSTEN"...
1.Chinese uncover Fake Gold Scam.
   Another article on how the Chinese caught the thieves.
2.Gold Bars may be drilled,melted[molten?],tested with Electrical devices,Ultrasound,and Nitric acid,,as per reports for Purity.

 To be continued.....

Monday, October 8, 2012

Current Affairs And How They Might Affect India:8/10/2012

India is having a PM,[member,Club Of Rome, a child of Club Of 300], very strongly suspected to be PLANTED by the Rothschilds,member,Club Of 300,a SUPER GLOBALIST.....
    This in itself is a very BIG PROBLEM for India..So India starts with a  very great handicap,with an enemy within who is also THE LEADER!.....
    Antonia Maino seems the other enemy within...
Under M M Singh India is a DICTATORSHIP,controlled from outside India,by the Globalist oligarchs.M M Singh is BANKRUPTING India......
Now looking around the World:-
1.Syria has been resisting the force, trying for a regime change from,March,/2011,TWO EXPLOSIONs have been reported in its capital,Damascus. SANA,Syrian Government News...
2.Rumours are afloat that Iran may be attacked.Sanctions on this Shia Muslim-majority nation have been imposed.
3.In Pakistan and Somalia Drones are used by the US to kill ....
4.Libya is in chaos.The main aim of the West seemed to be:-
i)Reportedly to,Steal the wealth of this nation[Gold etc]
ii)Kill Qaddafi,as he had some knowledge about Sarkozy.
5.China-Japan tension over an island which seems to be rich in Oil,as etc.
6.Fukushima and the aftermath.
7.8/10/2012:-In Venezuela Hugo Chavez wins...
8.Elections are due in November and December in HP and Gujarat.
     Many False Flags have started to malign Hindus,upper castes etc.....
9.Across the Globe[Greece,Spain,USA,etc] unemployment and food short-range are,being reported.
10.Somalia is being attacked by the USA and her African allies,like Ethiopia.
11.9/10/2012;-GEITHNER AND BERNANKE IN INDIA,to "boost economic ties".
12.Kejriwal alleges, Land Grab by Vadra via DLF-Haryana Government,misusing SEZs.
13.There is an effort by China to make YUAN[renminbi],one of the International Trading CURRENCIES It has started BULLION Exchange.It tries to conduct Trade based on Yuan as far as possible.That is,it avoids the US Dollar.
14.Iraq warms upto Russia warns Turkey of dragging NATO into the West Asian Conflict.Arms deal signed and massive Civilian delas in pipeline.
15.This section does not include the massive sophisticated weapons in the armoury of the USA,like Laser Guided bombs and missile shields,HAARP,chem-trails,Biological weapons,Space-based weapons  like vaccines etc.........
16.The Air India and  Kingfisher,problems like lack of funds etc seem to, have deliberately created for PRIVATIZATION [of AI] and FDI in Aviation.
17.Syrian Commercial Airliner from Moscow,stropped in Turkey reaches Damascus.
18.Russia may not renew the 20-year Treaty with the USA,for dismantling and safe-guarding the Nuclear,Biological and Chemical WEAPONS inn its former Republics,Ukraine,Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Gulf Of Mexico:-BP's Oil well seems to have started leaking.
                      Police detain Shri Kejriwal,during the,protest demanding the resignation of Salman Khurshid who allegedly,misappropriated Funds meant for the handicapped,in UP,under the guise of a Trust in his father's name,the late Dr Zakir Hussain,to the tune of rs 71 Lakhs.His wife has also been accused of the same crime.. The following photo is from HT from the above link;-

50,000 Grenades from the CRPF recalled.
Salmn Khurshid and Vadra scandals get,heated up.
BJP wants M M Singh to depose in JPC. Almost a;ll others want P.Cheadambram to do so.
Vir Bhadra Singh in media glare as there are indications that he might have received rs 2 Crores from Ispat,which he denies.
Cheadambaram in Tokyo for the IMF and World Bank meet.
Kejriwal promises to expose 5 more including the BJP chief,Gadkari.
     2 killed in FalaknumaTrain Fire.Fires in coaches are very common in India, with Godhra,Nellore and this prominent in recent times.The following photo is from the link above.

Pakistan violates cease fire killing three Civilians.
Goa to subsidize 3 more LPG cylinders.
                   Pakistan's ISI has connections with NAXALs via SIMI.
                     WHO takes CASH from Coca-Cola etc!!!
                   The hikes in the prices of petroleum fuels,shows that the Indira Congress party,is following the diktat of the IMF and the World Bank,without any Public Debate on controversial issues and LIES like the so-called,'under-recoveries'.

To be continued........

Friday, October 5, 2012

Great People I Admire.....

1.Wilhem Roentgen.

The photo above is from the link above.

Nicolaus Copernicus (GermanNikolaus Kopernikus

PolishAbout this sound MikoÅ‚aj Kopernik ; 19 February 1473 – 

24 May 1543)

The photo above is from THIS link.

              His observation on "debasement of money and Bankruptcy of nations",is prophetic,and may well apply to India,under M M Singh,from 1991 to 2014

Will be updated........                    

The Locations Of Nuke Plants In India,Decided by M M Singh.....

  It is in the form a of a "CROSS",but NOT EXACTLY, with the following places chosen:-
    It should be remembered,that the Globalists want DEPOPULATION.Cancer,due to radiation,in the area surrounding the Nuclear Reactor/s,[this cannot be FULLY eliminated], which will achieve this [DEPOPULATION], will also prove profitable for Big Pharma.two birds with one stone!!And M M Singh is a Globalist,member,Club Of Rome......

1. Kudankulam,Tirunelveli :- this place has been chosen in  1988.But capex is planned.
     The present leader of India Il Duce,is a Catholic!While I am not a fanatic and bigot,I am a realist and would like to protect myself and my Nation,from "OTHER" BIGOTs.The significance of this should NOT be lost on any Indian,especially,Hindu, Jain,Sikh,etc.I have many Christian friends and well-wishers to whom I am grateful.
    In all the locations there is severe opposition especially,after Fukushima.In Kudankulam,there is news, that it is being suppressed.
    In Kudankulam [safety aspects/guidelines of India Nuke Bodies, violated] and Jaitapur [untested and unreliable French technology problems in France itself and Finland a single REACTOR commissioned,so far,cost over-run] many safety aspects have,reportedly,been ignored,blatantly.Both are areas with Seismic weaknesses.
   SC's query regarding Accident Liability to GOI is interesting.The following photo is from the preceding LINK:-

     The DEPOPULATION AGENDA is confirmed,by thsi excerpt from the link,above:-
"Explaining how the apprehensions of the people around the plant site were genuine, he said: “Besides the exclusion zone, there must be a ‘sterilised zone’ of at least 10 km where, at the most, 5,000 people can reside. But more than 40,000 people live within a 5-km radius of the plant, including the 20,000-plus population each of Kudankulam and Idinthakarai. Unfortunately, all this has been ignored by the government and the AERB. Lakhs of people living in the vicinity… are bound to be apprehensive in such a situation. Instead of addressing these issues and the concerns meaningfully, the government has launched a wave of repression and has slapped 8,000 sedition cases on the peaceful protesters.
3rd week of December,2012:-
                                              16 to18 more Nuke Plants [ equivalent to a total of 22000 MW,including the present Russian ones],to be constructed by 2030, agreed upon with Russia. M M Singh follows the reported,Club Of Rome-agenda,of Depopulation agenda as cancer etc are possible, among those living in the vicinity.That's some arrogance for,you!M M Singh cares two hoots for India.
        Same amount of Radiation[well, almost],in Tokyo,as Fukushima.
To be continued.....

Letter To The Prez Of India Dated 5/10/2012

Your Excellency Honorable PRESIDENT,
                                     I am deeply worried that I have to sent this grievance to you,which does not cover as much areas as I could like to,in the interest of our beloved nation.Without going into too much explanations,which is not required with a person,like Your excellency, with deep knowledge and a very long experience in Life AND POLITICS,I present what needs to be done in the int erst of our beloved nation;-
1.The training,of our MPs, in "Leadership and CREATIVITY" in the Yale University every June be stopped immediately.
2.Panels and Committees be replaced by Civil Society representatives for a Democratic, decision-making process.
3.A separate Ministry be formed to SPY UPON TOP LEADERS,especially those who are, former employees of the IMF and the World Bank and some of those,touring some nations on the pretext of "medical check ups", and what not.
4.The avoidance of CAG and CVC,by creating such entities as PPP,NMIZs for complete DEREGULATION so that certain Oligarchs,Indian and Foreign will be ABOVE LAW,is a matter of serious concern. CAG and CVC should be able to investigate PPP and NMIZs and others.
5.The nation is allowed to bullied by a particular SuperPower and unnecessary purchases in Defence items,from this BULLY, is a matter of great concern.
6.India is already a DICTATORIAL or a POLICE State as all oppositions are ,nipped in the bud from 2004,transparency is absent,like in the "under-recoveries" claimed by the OMCs,people from MNCs are appointed a ADVISORS to various Ministries
7.The ABSENCE of ACCOUNTABILITY is a great worry.
8.The fear to be interviewed by the PRESS and other responsible bodies of the nation, with no holds barred, in matters concerning corruptions,by the present leadership(?), points to a Dictatorship...
9.One is also afraid of the utter LIES of those promenading as people of the highest Integrity
10.I would like that all the samples in the Gold reserve of India be assayed by:-
iii.B oth in items i and ii...
     There are evidences of the Gold Tungsten Scam.that is slating of Gold with Tungsten.Plese use the following link.
     Needless to say I have more complaints of more serious nature,as the Nation's Sovereignty is being handed over to some bodies outside India,but I am at a loss as to how to  mention them.
  Please visit this site:-
   I hope Your Excellency will Save Our beloved Nation from the clutches of, .........
   Thanking Your Excellency,
Yours truly,
Your Request/Grievance is Registered Successfully!!
Your Request/Grievance Registration Number is : PRSEC/E/2012/-----

Note: Kindly note your Request Registration Number for further references

India's Rashtrapati Mahoday,has changed the protocol,as follows:-

"In Hindi, 'Rashtrapati Mahoday' should be used in place of 'Mahamahin' during such occasions," a Rashtrapati Bhavan spokesman said in a statement.
Mukherjee, after reviewing the current protocol practices, also directed that the word "Hon'ble" will be used before the title of 'President' or 'Governor'. The traditional Indian greeting of "Shri" or "Smt" should precede the name."

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

M M Singh And His Masters's Third Step To Bankrupt India!

  It is very strongly suspected that M M Singh's Masters are:-
1.The IMF
2.The World Bank
3.The Rothschilds
4.Club Of Rome.
       He is also,very strongly suspected to have been PLANTED to bankrupt India to pave the way for LOSS of India's Sovereignty and ushering in One World Totalitarian Government.
      This gang has accomplished the many steps,towards the same as given in the following 2 main items.
1..India's HUGE Current Account SURPLUS in 2003/4 has been converted into a massive deficit,as soon as M M Singh became PM,in 2004.

2.The Fiscal Deficit has been KEPT DELIBERATELY HIGH, and is expected to be kept HIGH,by this gang.

    Selling of India's family Silver,in the form of Divestment of PSUs is under way,citing the HIGH Fiscal Deficit which has been kept that way,for this exact purpose!!!
   .As per equitymaster,quoted in YahooNews,dated,4/10/2012,India's Land bank is proposed to be sold.
This is to make India insolvent, in the event of a crisis, with nothing to fall back upon.
    Since the Yahoo Link becomes broken,I am providing THIS one.
       THE RESULT:-
BANKRUPTCY OF INDIA!Similar to Greece after the 2004 Olympics and Spain after th Construction boom in the last few years.
       India whose Crude oil import Bill is HIGH,should invest in Crude oil and NG exploration in the following places:-
i)India's vast coastline
ii)Andaman And Nicobar islands
iv)desert areas like the Rann Of kutch
v)Swamps like the Sunderbans
Will be updated.....

Monday, October 1, 2012

M M Singh and The Indira Congress Party LIE A LOT...... usher in many anti-India,unpopular,pro-MNC,pro-Globalist and pro-West policies.This is highly dangerous for India.Examples:-
1.The Nuclear Deal with the USA.
      Standing with Bush in the USA,inn 2005,M M Singh promised,CONSENSUS,but did not keep his word.He also LIED a lot regarding this harmful deal,which has made India a toothless-Nuclear Power and a lackey of the USA.
     The USA is bullying India.M M Singh's Iran policy is an example.
2.The so-called,"under-recoveries" claimed,by the OMCs are LIEs.These were started ONLY in 2005,after M M Singh became PM.Till then the OMCs were making PROFITs.But suddenly,from 2005 they became LOSS-MAKING.....Misusing such LIEs,unethical pricing of petroleum products in India is resorted to, by M M Singh and the Indira Congress party,on the diktat of their masters,IMF,World Bank,Bilderberg,et al
3.In FDI Pranab Mukherjee,promised CONSENSUS but M M Singh took unilateral action,on the diktat of his masters,the IMF and the World bank.
     Planning Commission LIEs regarding "wastage" of 30 to 40% fruits and vegetables. CAIT,Confederation Of All India Traders,has exposed the GOI,under the Indira Congress party .
     Lies are misused  liberally,in many panels,commissions etc which PARROT the opinions and views of M M Singh,the indira Congress party and their masters,the IMF,the World Bank,Bilderberg etc...
To be continued..........