1.India, is under the Dictatorship of the IMF and the World Bank from 2004.,with M M Singh as the PM.For sometime,when M M Singh was Finance Minister in the 1990s,the same was the case.
Many NOT EVEN ELECTED,but SELECTED by the IMF,the reported,CIA fronts like the Yale ,Harvard etc Universities and the World Bank,are holding important positions,in the corridors of power in Delhi.
i)M M Singh,PM,Head,Chairman, Of the Planning Commission.Had of the Cabinet. He is member,Club Of Rome a Globalist body.To give, one an idea,as to, how dangerous he and this body are, Gorbachev,who got the erstwhile USSR,"dissolved", is a member.
ii)Montek Singh Ahuliwalia.Dy Chairman,Planning Commission.
iii)Pulok Chattejree had a stint with the World Bank.probably,sent to the USA for about 3 or 4 years,on account of the 2 G Spectrum Scam.Head PMO.
iv)Raghuram Rajan ;Chief Economic Advisor to the PMO.
v)Nandan Nielkani Aadhar.has connections with the Yale University,the Home to "Skull And Bones".And Aadhaar has connections to Surveillance and hence One World Totalitarian Government.The proposed, NCTC,USA's DHS Clone,has connections all mentioned in item (v).
vi)Kaushik Basu a former Bureaucrat si with the World Bank.he may come back by the revolving door,like M M Singh,Ahuliwalia etc.
2.There is NO DEMOCRACY in India from 2004.
3.THIS contains many other,dangers, India faces.
4.World Bank Chief is due to visit India from 11/3/2013 to 13/3/2013.he will be meeting M M Singh and Chidambaram,of Harvard a reported,CIA front.
5.The Major Scams from 2004 under M M Singh-led Coalition:-
i)2 G Spectrum
ii)Coal Gate
iv)VVIP Chopper
vi)Under-recoveries of the OMCs
vii)Many minor ones in the range of a few Hundred to a few thousand Crores of Rupees.
6.Private visits by the Pakistani leaders and the proposed one from M M Singh,in reciprocation, ostensibly, to visit a religious shrine in Pakistan.
7."Hindu Terror", claims, by the M M Singh-led Coalition.The Christian Terror, in the North east and the support of the Church to the Maoists is never mentioned.
8.The proposed Communal Violence Bill,which is similar to the one in the USA,where a Minority Community has joined the African Americans to deny the majority Christians.
9.The proposal to bypass the RBI by creating ,a Separate Debt Office,to immerse the Nation in Debt,with no Regulator.That is,Dictatorship.And the aim is Bankrupting India.
10.The use[MISUSE?] of EVMs in Elections.EVMs can be hacked.
11.Surveillance Police State in the making:-
i)Aadhaar etc
ii)Identity cards for children 8 or 9,in Schools.The photos are those of the self and the parents.This is a subtle psychological trick to make the Future Citizens,the present Children in Schools etc to get accustomed to a Surveillance Police State.
iii)The usage of webcams for security purposes in Cos,is taking things a bit too far.
Many NOT EVEN ELECTED,but SELECTED by the IMF,the reported,CIA fronts like the Yale ,Harvard etc Universities and the World Bank,are holding important positions,in the corridors of power in Delhi.
i)M M Singh,PM,Head,Chairman, Of the Planning Commission.Had of the Cabinet. He is member,Club Of Rome a Globalist body.To give, one an idea,as to, how dangerous he and this body are, Gorbachev,who got the erstwhile USSR,"dissolved", is a member.
ii)Montek Singh Ahuliwalia.Dy Chairman,Planning Commission.
iii)Pulok Chattejree had a stint with the World Bank.probably,sent to the USA for about 3 or 4 years,on account of the 2 G Spectrum Scam.Head PMO.
iv)Raghuram Rajan ;Chief Economic Advisor to the PMO.
v)Nandan Nielkani Aadhar.has connections with the Yale University,the Home to "Skull And Bones".And Aadhaar has connections to Surveillance and hence One World Totalitarian Government.The proposed, NCTC,USA's DHS Clone,has connections all mentioned in item (v).
vi)Kaushik Basu a former Bureaucrat si with the World Bank.he may come back by the revolving door,like M M Singh,Ahuliwalia etc.
2.There is NO DEMOCRACY in India from 2004.
3.THIS contains many other,dangers, India faces.
4.World Bank Chief is due to visit India from 11/3/2013 to 13/3/2013.he will be meeting M M Singh and Chidambaram,of Harvard a reported,CIA front.
5.The Major Scams from 2004 under M M Singh-led Coalition:-
i)2 G Spectrum
ii)Coal Gate
iv)VVIP Chopper
vi)Under-recoveries of the OMCs
vii)Many minor ones in the range of a few Hundred to a few thousand Crores of Rupees.
6.Private visits by the Pakistani leaders and the proposed one from M M Singh,in reciprocation, ostensibly, to visit a religious shrine in Pakistan.
7."Hindu Terror", claims, by the M M Singh-led Coalition.The Christian Terror, in the North east and the support of the Church to the Maoists is never mentioned.
8.The proposed Communal Violence Bill,which is similar to the one in the USA,where a Minority Community has joined the African Americans to deny the majority Christians.
9.The proposal to bypass the RBI by creating ,a Separate Debt Office,to immerse the Nation in Debt,with no Regulator.That is,Dictatorship.And the aim is Bankrupting India.
10.The use[MISUSE?] of EVMs in Elections.EVMs can be hacked.
11.Surveillance Police State in the making:-
i)Aadhaar etc
ii)Identity cards for children 8 or 9,in Schools.The photos are those of the self and the parents.This is a subtle psychological trick to make the Future Citizens,the present Children in Schools etc to get accustomed to a Surveillance Police State.
iii)The usage of webcams for security purposes in Cos,is taking things a bit too far.
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