Friday, July 26, 2013

Indira Congress Party Loses Credibility

Indira Congress party, is a puppet of the Western Globalist forces like,Council On Foreign relations,Bilderberg,Trilateral Commission,Skull And Bones,Club Of Rome, IMF,World Bank,etc
   Because of this it has started becoming a DICTATOR,especially following the diktat of the IMF and the World Bank.
   Democracy is treated with contempt by this party,selling the Nation to the International Bankers.M M Singh,their puppet has BANKRUPTED and Destroyed India..
   The party has, started treating Indians and their Intelligence, with contempt,with the absurd claims like the under-recovery,by the Oil Marketing Cos and hiking prices,but going on claiming HIGHER and HIGHER under-recoveries!!!This is sheer criminality and corruption of the highest order.
     Now to cap it all,this party and Coalition partners, are claiming variously,that a Lunch/Dinner in India costs Rs12,Rs 5 and even Re 1[Farooq Abdulla].
     India does not have any hope under the Indira Congress party and its Coalition.
     To be continued.....

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Bt-Cotton-Seed Oil Conspiracy In India

         Cotton,cultivated in India is 90% Monsanto-Bt-variety.This Oil is very cheap,compared to other Edible Oils.Hence India's Poor,Middle-Class,Eateries and FMCGs use this oil for consumption for obvious reasons,many OBLIVIOUS of the GMO and toxin content, in this Cotton and hence the oil.
      THIS is the way Bt works. 
To be continued.......

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fukushima And Its Cover Up By The Vested Interests!

   Fukushima tragedy,is all the more painful, as details are being hidden,by the vested interests,with the Japanese Government, even desirous of, re-starting, the Nuke Plants,after not only this tragedy but Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the.first half of the  last century.
11 times more workers [more than 1900 instead of the 178 claimed], exposed to Radiation in Fukushima.
      Inside the Nuclear Exclusion Zone,in the wake of the Fukushima Tragedy.
     A search for Fukushima ,will yield plenty of results pertaining to huge Caesium,Strontium presence in the Pacific and surroundings in Japan.
    Here's my first link,as to what's happening in JAPAN.radioactive water is being drained into the pacific for the LAST TWO YEARS!!! 
      I am providing the following 2 links,to highlight the enormity of Fukushima,which any person with commonsense, will know to be, a very great threat to Humanity,animals,plants etc.
     The excerpt below is from THIS link:-
" chairman Shunichi Tanaka told journalists that “The Fukushima No. 1 (nuclear reactor) plant is filling up with water. Inevitably the contaminated water will have to be discharged into the sea after TEPCO processes it properly and lowers (its radioactivity levels) below the standards.”
        But its has been reported,that TEPCO has already pumped hundreds of tons of radio-active Water into the Pacific.
      Fukushima's very great dangers being mentioned dater about 2 and a half years.
                       A very reliable source in Japan, confirms that the Japanese Government is hiding facts about Fukushima dangers,after the Tsunami and the consequent damage to the Nuke Plants there. An excerpt from the link above:-
"What gave me the best pointer was the fact that President Barack Obama ordered all Americans to evacuate from within a 50-mile (80 km) radius (of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant). There was no better message than that. The government was bound to lie."
                  Pacific Ocean into which radioactive water "etc",have been drained from Fukushima is "steaming".Situation very dangerous.
                    Sick Family recovers after moving OUT OF Fukushima.
                  Mother appeals to the UN!
                        As per Hirose Takashi,a Japanese Journalist,Radiation problem   ,in Japan due to Fukushima,is very severe and some of it cannot be measured..
                         .Russian experts opine that Fukushima radiation is spreading throughout the World,via water drained into  the Pacific
                   Fukushima Plant covered by Radiation haze.
                   Sailors of USS Reagan, who were near Fukushima immediately after the accident, to take samples etc,are "taost".
Will be updated......

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Globalist Elites Plant UN-ELECTED People As "LEADERS" In India And Abroad!

     El Baradei becoming PM in Egypt reminds ,one of the same in India,with the following names:-
1.M M Singh who was DEFEATED in the only Election he contested[Lok Sabha 1998]
2.Nandan Nilekani Minister's rank.
3.Montek Singh Ahuliwalia
      Raghuram Rajan as the Special Economic Advisor to the PMO.
This has resulted in India being destroyed and sold to the MNCs.
7/7/2013:-As at 1700Hrs IST,El Baradei's appointment, has been opposed by Conservative Salafists, who do not want to work with him.Hence it is kept ON HOLD.
To be continued......