Monday, October 21, 2013

The Rothschilds

1.Link ONE
2.Link TWO
3.Link THREE
                At present,[2004 to the present October,2013],the Rothschilds seem to be ruling India through M M Singh.

                Since they are in the Oil And gas business,they seem to be influencing,[THE HIKE],in petroleum fuel prices,misusing the so-called,"under-recoveries",being claimed by the OMCs from ONLY 2005,by keeping the Indian Rupee weak! They have achieved this through  Vikram Singh Mehta,the former CEO of Shell India,a Rothschilds and Total,collaboration.   
             Raghuram Rajan was appointed as the Governor of the RBI,from September 2013,by M M Singh.This is suspected to be a subtle "move" by the Rothschilds!    

 Will be continued....    

Certain Questions And Possible Answers.....

1.Israel has "solid" US support.....
Because,the  Rothschilds,"seem" to own Israel,as per reports.

2.UN sponsors a particular religion's agenda like Gay Rights,Sex-Education to Children [this may be a boon to pedophiles by stoking the "passion" of children!]
3.UN is the USA/Globalists due to the Majority,USA,UK,France....
4.From 2004,the Rothschilds have been having a strong hold over India,infl,as M M Singh and now.[from September,2013], Raghuram Rajan are puppets of the IMF,controlled by them[The Rothschilds]
5.Il Duce visits the USA,on the pretext of "medial check up",and implements anti-India policies like steep hike in Diesel prices,FDI Multibrand retail,etc.
6.Stock Markets are for "stealing" the wealth of the Common the Globalists,buy out PSUs of nations,by Divestments,etc.
7.Derivatives,are being misused to steal the wealth of nations and Bankrupt them,by the "vested interests".
8.India's PSUs are being destroyed by M M Singh
9.Rockefeller has joined Vummidiars of Chennai,in a Campaign,with ulterior motives?
10.Bill Gates controls the Indira Congress party and Nitishkumar.
11.International Bankers,use  Switzerland,for their operations.
12.BIS does not care about the Derivatives?It comes out with many of its "Basels",but ignores the Derivatives!
13.Globalist Elites use,the Solstices and Equinoxes,for important "changes".......With the Winter Equinox[September],being their Favourite!
To be continued........

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

NANDAN Nilekani s NOT EVEN,Elected but.....

  Nandan Nilekani,the Chief Of UIDAI,though not even elected,has by his actions,has given hints that India is an Oligarchy,with private Cos,taking over the Sovereign Function of the Government to collect tax!
   This is shocking,as THERE IS,at least, ONE LITIGATION AGAINST THE UIDAI [AADHAAR] SCHEME,as regards to infringing upon the Right To Privacy etc. and hence the case of Surveillance by the UPA leading to the nation becoming a police State.
   Aadhaar is implemented by an Executive Order and has not been passed by the Parliament and hence is NOT Constitutional. 
HERE is the link......

Will be continued.......

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Rich Get Richer in the USA,also!

The rich in the USA get richer....a conspracy?

Indian Oligarchs In Globalist Bodies/Think Tanks

Many Indian CEO are connected with Globalist Bodies and think tanks.
  Ratan Tata,with connections to the Harvard University,a suspected CIA front,has reportedly joined the Carnegie Endowment For International Peace.Sunil Bharti Mittal ,member Trilateral Commission,Asia Pacific,is also a member.
  Narayanamurthy of Infosys is a member Trilateral Commission,Asia Pacific.
To be continued.....

Friday, August 30, 2013

Tactical Nuclear Strike ON Syria Suspected!

  It is WIDELY,reported on the net, that Syria has been subjected to a tactical nuclear strike,in response to the sinking of an Israeli Sub by Syria.
Will be updated.....

Friday, August 16, 2013

Secret Societies That Rule The World Over

Secret Societies that Rule the World Over.

     India,is being manipulated to make her lose her SOVEREIGNTY,to BANKRUPT her and gain control over her,by the Globalists.
     IMF-puppets in the RBI and as the CEA are dangers to India,
The following three are being misused to BANKRUPT India:-
1.Divestment out of PS banks and PS Cos
2.Keynesian spending[Public Sector spending] to hike the Fiscal Deficit[DEBT]
3.Weakening the Rupee on the pretext of gain in exports,and thus showing a higher Budget Surplus and GDP,while making Indians POORER due to the loss of purchasing power of the Rupee.
Will be continued....

Friday, July 26, 2013

Indira Congress Party Loses Credibility

Indira Congress party, is a puppet of the Western Globalist forces like,Council On Foreign relations,Bilderberg,Trilateral Commission,Skull And Bones,Club Of Rome, IMF,World Bank,etc
   Because of this it has started becoming a DICTATOR,especially following the diktat of the IMF and the World Bank.
   Democracy is treated with contempt by this party,selling the Nation to the International Bankers.M M Singh,their puppet has BANKRUPTED and Destroyed India..
   The party has, started treating Indians and their Intelligence, with contempt,with the absurd claims like the under-recovery,by the Oil Marketing Cos and hiking prices,but going on claiming HIGHER and HIGHER under-recoveries!!!This is sheer criminality and corruption of the highest order.
     Now to cap it all,this party and Coalition partners, are claiming variously,that a Lunch/Dinner in India costs Rs12,Rs 5 and even Re 1[Farooq Abdulla].
     India does not have any hope under the Indira Congress party and its Coalition.
     To be continued.....

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Bt-Cotton-Seed Oil Conspiracy In India

         Cotton,cultivated in India is 90% Monsanto-Bt-variety.This Oil is very cheap,compared to other Edible Oils.Hence India's Poor,Middle-Class,Eateries and FMCGs use this oil for consumption for obvious reasons,many OBLIVIOUS of the GMO and toxin content, in this Cotton and hence the oil.
      THIS is the way Bt works. 
To be continued.......

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fukushima And Its Cover Up By The Vested Interests!

   Fukushima tragedy,is all the more painful, as details are being hidden,by the vested interests,with the Japanese Government, even desirous of, re-starting, the Nuke Plants,after not only this tragedy but Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the.first half of the  last century.
11 times more workers [more than 1900 instead of the 178 claimed], exposed to Radiation in Fukushima.
      Inside the Nuclear Exclusion Zone,in the wake of the Fukushima Tragedy.
     A search for Fukushima ,will yield plenty of results pertaining to huge Caesium,Strontium presence in the Pacific and surroundings in Japan.
    Here's my first link,as to what's happening in JAPAN.radioactive water is being drained into the pacific for the LAST TWO YEARS!!! 
      I am providing the following 2 links,to highlight the enormity of Fukushima,which any person with commonsense, will know to be, a very great threat to Humanity,animals,plants etc.
     The excerpt below is from THIS link:-
" chairman Shunichi Tanaka told journalists that “The Fukushima No. 1 (nuclear reactor) plant is filling up with water. Inevitably the contaminated water will have to be discharged into the sea after TEPCO processes it properly and lowers (its radioactivity levels) below the standards.”
        But its has been reported,that TEPCO has already pumped hundreds of tons of radio-active Water into the Pacific.
      Fukushima's very great dangers being mentioned dater about 2 and a half years.
                       A very reliable source in Japan, confirms that the Japanese Government is hiding facts about Fukushima dangers,after the Tsunami and the consequent damage to the Nuke Plants there. An excerpt from the link above:-
"What gave me the best pointer was the fact that President Barack Obama ordered all Americans to evacuate from within a 50-mile (80 km) radius (of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant). There was no better message than that. The government was bound to lie."
                  Pacific Ocean into which radioactive water "etc",have been drained from Fukushima is "steaming".Situation very dangerous.
                    Sick Family recovers after moving OUT OF Fukushima.
                  Mother appeals to the UN!
                        As per Hirose Takashi,a Japanese Journalist,Radiation problem   ,in Japan due to Fukushima,is very severe and some of it cannot be measured..
                         .Russian experts opine that Fukushima radiation is spreading throughout the World,via water drained into  the Pacific
                   Fukushima Plant covered by Radiation haze.
                   Sailors of USS Reagan, who were near Fukushima immediately after the accident, to take samples etc,are "taost".
Will be updated......

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Globalist Elites Plant UN-ELECTED People As "LEADERS" In India And Abroad!

     El Baradei becoming PM in Egypt reminds ,one of the same in India,with the following names:-
1.M M Singh who was DEFEATED in the only Election he contested[Lok Sabha 1998]
2.Nandan Nilekani Minister's rank.
3.Montek Singh Ahuliwalia
      Raghuram Rajan as the Special Economic Advisor to the PMO.
This has resulted in India being destroyed and sold to the MNCs.
7/7/2013:-As at 1700Hrs IST,El Baradei's appointment, has been opposed by Conservative Salafists, who do not want to work with him.Hence it is kept ON HOLD.
To be continued......

Sunday, June 16, 2013

May And June Bilderberg Months!

Bildebreg's Annual SECRET 3-day Meet generally takes place in May - June.This year it was in the UK from 6th to 8th instants.
    The effects,in India:-
1.BJP-JD(U),led by Nitishkkumar in Bihar, misunderstanding thanks to Bill Gates the Master of Nitish Kumar and a Bilderberger.
2.USA to get involved in Syria.Brent Crude rises due to this
To be continued...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Il Duce,Her son and the Bilderberg

In 2011 Il Duce and her  son were in Switzerland St Moritz,when the Bilderberg meet was going on there at about the same time .From then on these two are controlled by the Bilderberg.
  Il Duce visits the USA often 'secretly'.citing medical check up,before important events and decisions, in India.
Bilderberg is against the majority of a nation,as it is a Globalist Body.

Indira Congress Party And Al Qaeda

1.Puppet of the USA.
2.USA's Fulbright-Nehru programme focuses on 'Muslim outreach',which is un-Constitutional.
3.USA/CIA support Al Qaeda,as shown in Libya,Syria.
4.M M Singh has claimed that the 'resources of India first belong to Muslims'
5.Many panels,experts and Committees are set up and then asked to parrot what the M M Singh-Coalition wants.
     Sachar report may be one such.
6.In 2011 Il Duce and her  son were in Switzerland St Moritz,when the Bilderberg meet was going on there at about the same time .from then on these two are controlled by the Bilderberg.
  Il Duce visits the USA often 'secretly'.citing medical check up,before important events and decisions, in India.
Bilderberg is against the majority of a nation,as it is a Globalist Body.
7.Godhra and Kandhamal are copycats of Gladio and the Assassination which started the First World war respectively. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Why Wars?

   Wars are a curse,but unfortunately some think that they are necessary.
1.From the time George Washington ceased to be the President of the USA,the Leaders [after him], of this nation used Wars,due to,their being powerful and the bankers who wanted to benefit  by lending to nations.
2.As per the distinguished late Me Norman Dodd wars were recommended by Rockefeller, Carnegie and other "tax-exempt',Foundations and their thin-tanks as a means of " changing cultures.
3.The Project For the New American Century[PNAC], also recommended Wars as a means for sustaining the economy!!!
To be continued....  

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Following Worry Me!

1.India, is under the Dictatorship of the IMF and the World Bank from 2004.,with M M Singh as the PM.For sometime,when M M Singh was Finance Minister in the 1990s,the same was the case.
     Many NOT EVEN ELECTED,but SELECTED by the IMF,the reported,CIA fronts like the Yale ,Harvard etc Universities and the World Bank,are holding important positions,in the corridors of power in Delhi.
i)M M Singh,PM,Head,Chairman, Of the Planning Commission.Had of the Cabinet. He is member,Club Of Rome a Globalist body.To give, one an idea,as to, how dangerous he and this body are, Gorbachev,who got the erstwhile USSR,"dissolved", is a member.
ii)Montek Singh Ahuliwalia.Dy Chairman,Planning Commission.
iii)Pulok Chattejree had a stint with the World Bank.probably,sent to the USA for about 3 or 4 years,on account of the 2 G Spectrum Scam.Head PMO. 
iv)Raghuram Rajan ;Chief Economic Advisor to the PMO.
v)Nandan Nielkani Aadhar.has connections with the Yale University,the Home to "Skull And Bones".And Aadhaar has connections to Surveillance and hence One World Totalitarian Government.The proposed, NCTC,USA's DHS Clone,has connections all mentioned in item (v).
vi)Kaushik Basu a former Bureaucrat si with the World Bank.he may come back by the revolving door,like M M Singh,Ahuliwalia etc.
2.There is NO DEMOCRACY in India from 2004.
3.THIS contains many other,dangers, India faces.
4.World Bank Chief is due to visit India from 11/3/2013 to 13/3/2013.he will be meeting M M Singh and Chidambaram,of Harvard a reported,CIA front.
5.The Major Scams from 2004 under M M Singh-led Coalition:-
i)2 G Spectrum
ii)Coal Gate
iv)VVIP Chopper
vi)Under-recoveries of the OMCs
vii)Many minor ones in the range of a few Hundred to a few thousand Crores of Rupees.
6.Private visits by the Pakistani leaders and the proposed one from M M Singh,in reciprocation, ostensibly, to visit a religious shrine in Pakistan.
7."Hindu Terror", claims, by the M M Singh-led Coalition.The Christian Terror, in the North east and the support of the Church to the Maoists is never mentioned.
8.The proposed Communal Violence Bill,which is similar to the one in the USA,where a Minority Community has joined the African Americans to deny the majority Christians.
9.The proposal to bypass the RBI by creating ,a Separate Debt Office,to immerse the Nation in Debt,with no Regulator.That is,Dictatorship.And the aim is Bankrupting India.
10.The use[MISUSE?] of EVMs in Elections.EVMs can be hacked. 
11.Surveillance Police State in the making:-
i)Aadhaar etc
ii)Identity cards for children 8 or 9,in Schools.The photos are those of the self and the parents.This is a subtle psychological trick to make the Future Citizens,the present Children in Schools etc to get accustomed to a Surveillance Police State. 
iii)The usage of webcams for security purposes in Cos,is taking things a bit too far.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Bankers!

1.Switzerland is not a member of the EU, but it is owned by the BANKERS!!!
2.Switzerland was neutral in World War II,for the same reason.Many feel that the Wars are, a creation of the Bankers for their own benefits[making nations,Debt-ridden and the lenders?The BANKERs!!!].  
3.Bankers want to dominate everything.They enter ALL fields and misuse the Derivatives!!!
       The evil Memo, dated,24/11/1997[!],that caused the Global Financial Crash,about a decade later[ in 2008].

        They are powerful and can get anything done in the USA and its crony Nations.....
       TPP,the so-called unsigned and secretly being negotiated[ for the last 3 years],Trans-Pacific Partnership, is similar to the Derivatives,with suing powers to oligarchs against Sovereign Governments,regarding the National Environmental and other regulations.
4.London is also a City of the bankers.that's why the British pound is not sacrificed!Britain maintains its POUND Sterling!!!
5.The RBI in India,is reluctant to punish the bankers in at least two clear cases;-
i)The Rs 25 Lakh Crore Derivatives[Forex] loss by India Inc in 2007/8.The Bankers were supported by Subba Rao,the Governor of the RBI,tetsifying in a Court Of Law.
ii)Cobrapost,an online magazine,by a person known for his. "sting operations",has accused 3 Indian Private banks of violating Indian laws[FEMA,Moneylaundering,KYC etc].
       But the RBI initially, categorically denied, any such thing and later,maintained that the amount, 'may not be above Rs 1 to 2 Crores'.But Cobrapost sting, has proven that, the amounts are even Rs 50 Crores and "these acts",have been committed many times,as admitted by the employees themselves. 
6.The so-called QEs, resorted to,by the developed economies,are against WTO Rules for the following reasons:-
i)They are SUBSIDIES to the Bankers,of the West at very near zero interest rates.
ii)They are UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES,as exports become lucrative due to them.
      When the US Federal Reserve,ECB,BoE and BoJ resort to these SIMULTANEOUSLY,the ACTUALLY weak US Dollar,becomes apparently STRONGER,as the Euro,the British Pound Sterling and the Yen,among the basket of Currencies,against which the US Dollar is pitted.
      Bankers and investment houses of the developed economies,then resort to their favourite,"CHEAP MONEY IN,CHEAP MONEY OUT" strategy to wreck the Currencies of other nations.
       In India M M Singh, does not resort to Capital Control,following the yet UNSIGNED and SECRETLY being negotiated Trans Pacific Partnership.....A treasonous act......The Fox guarding the Hen House!!!
       Some Banks resort to frauds.  
      To be continued.......

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Asteroid,Meteors in Russia and Cuba.....15/2/2013

  On 15/2/2013,two meteors,exploded in the Cuban and Russian Skies. While NASA says that the Asteroid of the day and meteors do not have any connection,......let us assume they originated from the Asteroid,in question.If an Asteroid at a distance of 19000 Miles,and the size of Half a US Football field,can send,two meteors of the sizes mentioned,what others reaching neared or striking the Earth can cause?The possibilities are many:-
i)The Asteroid is intact
ii)The Asteroid breaks into some or many pieces,of bigger sizes,even before entering Earth's atmosphere and sends some meteorites..
     Both these can be devastating!And there can be many damaging scenarios.
     Was this the reason, the ancients feared both Comets and Meteors?Both these are called DHOOMKETU,in Sanskrit.Did they experience ,similar or bigger,damages?
     The following photos,of meteorite fragments,from the "Chelyabinsk one", are from THIS link.The biggest piece is about 1 Kg:- 

     The following Video,imagines,that the meteor ,was destroyed by the Russians.But there should be trails of missile/s, which is/are, missing!

     The following, is very good.


To be continued.......