Though my parents could provide me,basic education,I have,almost starved, for 2 years in my search for a job,during my youth.This starvation made me physically "unfit",when I managed to pass a job interview!!!
Getting a job for me,was,a Herculean task.Finally,I could,land on a job,by the kindness of a few Gentlemen.I doubt, things have changed much,even today!In India, one gets employment by the Mercy of "some" good guys.
Thus even though,I have experienced poverty and struggled much in my Youth,today,I find the POVERTY and Homelessness in India,absolutely stunning.On the one hand,there are people enjoying luxurious lives.On the other, there are unfortunate people,who struggle everyday for food and shelter.During winter this can be very difficult.For the elderly,this can be very painful.
And as on 21/10/2018,India US Treasury Holdings have increased to $ 140 Billion,from about 60 Billion,before the NDA came to power.Earlier it had reached a maximum of $ 157 Billion,under the present NDA.
India's poor,about 25% of the population live on less than a US Dollar per day.Many Farmers commit suicides.India's Public Sector Banks have about Rs 5.5 Lakh Crore NPA,as they are being bilked,by the vested interests.
Will be continued.......